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ecological murder • endless wars • ingrained racism & social injustice • worker exploitation • incurable via reforms

The Armageddon Chronicles

The degeneracy of the Western ruling class, marinated in in the toxic juices of capitalism, and led by arrogant Anglo-American hubris (a curse that has spread around the globe), is driving the planet to a nuclear Armageddon. Meantime, the American people, drunk with cheap, ignorant jingoism, march like programmed zombies in proud parades…Americans, as Paul Craig Roberts has warned, "need to pay attention to the fact that 'their' government is a collection of crazed stupid fools likely to bring vaporization to the United States and all of Europe."

In the meantime, since the divinity for some perversely inscrutable reason, allowed these scoundrels to be in power in the first place, let this modest space serve as a rallying ground for those intent on sounding the alarm about the looming disaster.  Time for humanity to wake up.

Apti Alaudinov Kursk
For Russia, recovering Kursk is no walk in the rose garden
G. DOCTOROW—Indeed, in view of the seeming consensus that the Russian recovery of Kursk is proceeding apace, with 4,000 of the estimated 12,000 invaders having ...
The slow dying of American democracy
The slow dying of American democracy
ALEX KRAINER—Time magazine described the “vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election” consisting of “shadow campaigners,” whose “work touched every aspect of the election.” For ...
Patrick Lancaster
Ukraine Using Chemical Warfare, Germans & Polish Fighting In Kursk Says Russian Frontline Commander
PATRICK LANCASTER—The Ukrainian incursion or invasion into the Kursk region of Russia is in its 3rd week and the fighting is intense as ever. I ...
Media Lies and Propaganda
Media Lies and Propaganda
OLIVER BOYD-GARRETT—The scale of Israel’s attack on Hezbollah has been grossly exaggerated for propaganda purposes. The most important conclusions that we should draw: (1) we ...
RFK Jr endorses Trump, opens fire on US neocons
RFK Jr endorses Trump, opens fire on US neocons
DAVID P GOLDMAN—Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the last living torch-bearer of his family’s political dynasty, endorsed Donald Trump in a scorched-earth August 23 speech denouncing ...
Billy Bob roundtable with Parry, Slava
The Abuse of Personal Identity
EDITORS—8/20/2024 Episode 105 of Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline with special guests Slava and Max Parry. In-depth discussion of how personal identity, race and culture are ...
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