EDITOR—Matt Orfalea in one of his inimitable spoofs demonstrates that for all its ostensible diversity, US media does not dare deviate from the official monotonic narrative on any of the important topics defining reality for most people in the West. This was seen, for example, with the phenomenon of Russiagate, still an unchallenged hoax now making a comeback with the expected victory of Trump in 2024, and currently the narrative gyrations covering the Ukraine fiasco, the imperial genocide of Palestinians, and the constant demonisation of Washington’s main designated enemies, Russia, China, and Iran.
Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview. What President Putin Really Said.
by Peter Koenig21 minutes readPETER KOENIG—For all those who still believe in the mainstream’s vilification of Vladimir Putin, but are ever-more doubtful and would like to know the truth, President Putin tells an extraordinary story of reality about Russia, the country’s history, all the way back to the 8th Century, laying out very clearly that not only eastern but also western Ukraine – Kiev – is historically a part of Russia.
If comparing this Russia knowledge of history with the Zionist claim over Palestine – you know who is telling the truth and who is lying through their teeth, just for grandeur, dominance, and power – all to achieve a Greater Israel – stamped out of nowhere – to present themselves to the world as “the Chosen People”.
A wide-ranging discussion by Garland Nixon and Joti Brar on the tasks ahead to save humanity from the collapse of imperialism, a process that connotes constant wars, increased repression, and the immiseration of the working class across the globe. Garland also dissects the Neocon’s “Narcissist” personality which suits the empire to a “T”, given the US empire’s pathological arrogance, criminality, and complete lack of empathy, among other narcissistic traits. Incidentally, even Google accepts that: “Marxist–Leninist states are commonly referred to as “communist states” by Western academics. Marxist–Leninists reject anarchism and left communism, as well as reformist socialism and social democracy. They oppose fascism and liberal democracy, and are anti-imperialists.”
RUSSELL BENTLEY—No honest or serious person could in any way compare Israel’s genocidal attacks on Gaza, (in which more than 70% of the homes have been destroyed, over 56,000 people have been wounded, and almost 21,000 people have been killed, the vast majority civilians, and the majority of those civilians, women and children) with the limited military operation of Russia in Ukraine, where Russia has tried every diplomatic approach to avoid or reduce the violence, and taken great pains to avoid destruction of civilians, and non-military infrastructure, even in the face of constant escalation and provocations by the Kiev regime and their Western masters.
Losurdo, Chomsky, Brar: Highly Recommended Books & Documents
13 minutes readEDITOR—In Stalin: History and Critique of A Black Legend (2008), Losurdo stimulated a debate about Joseph Stalin, about whom he claimed is built a kind of black legend intended to discredit the whole of communism. Losurdo clearly saw that the nonstop demonisation of Stalin was simply the utterly cynical propaganda part of the West’s multidirectional war on the Soviet Union, a war that the collective West had been waging on the Bolsheviks from the moment the revolution came to power in 1917.