Home ACTIVISTS & HEROES Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-up and the terrifying bioweapons arms race”: Detailed review and analysis.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-up and the terrifying bioweapons arms race”: Detailed review and analysis.

MUST READ: This review is actually a titanic dissection of a highly important book.

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Robert f. Kennedy jr.’s new book, “the Wuhan Cover-up and the terrifying bioweapons arms race”: my detailed review and analysis. China rising radio sinoland 240330

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The constant rain of US propaganda has rendered comatose even the survival instinct of most Americans.


I have read Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arm Race”. It is a masterpiece of research, investigation, connecting the dots, and contextualizing for what is probably modern humanity’s most pressing issue. While Kennedy and I disagree on many key points, I cannot underestimate how important this book is in informing you about the role bioweapons play in modern politics, geopolitics, economics and war.

I am a co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission and the curator of its Global Online Library. Yet, I learned so much from this book that it left my jaw hanging. As I was reading Kennedy’s book, I kept thinking two things. First, I can’t believe this man is running for president of the United States and will unfortunately not get elected. And secondly, if I ever needed a trial lawyer, he would be the one I’d like to have.

I have been subscribing to Kennedy’s newsletter and website, the Children’s Health Defense (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/), which has thankfully enhanced my arc of awareness that I never knew before, about vaccines and corrupt medical practices, especially since the advent of Western mRNA genetic modification shots (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/03/07/its-all-here-the-china-rising-radio-sinoland-covid-19-chemical-and-bioweapon-file-film-and-tape-library/). This new book really ties together the nexus between vaccines, Big Pharma, the military, and the CIA.

“The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arm Race”, coupled with Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s previous book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, are a one-two punch to really explain so much of what is going on behind our headlines today (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Robert-F.-Kennedy-Jr./author/B09KQXYQ9Y). I have spent many hours poring over “The Wuhan Cover-Up” and many more writing this book review. I have meticulously annotated it and looked up scores of references that are in the back of the book. It has well over 2,000 references. I can only think of one other author who writes investigative books like this that are so thoroughly researched, and that is John Potash, whom I have had the pleasure of interviewing, and among many US government assassinations and subterfuge, covers RFK Jr’s father and uncle (www.chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=potash).

Without further ado, I strongly encourage everybody to read Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s last two books, “The Real Anthony Fauci” and “The Wuhan Cover-Up”. They will open your eyes to the sordid, corrupt and satanic Western underworld that is controlling much of humanity and trying to drive us into a totalitarian dystopia.

After reading them, hopefully it will give you and all of us ammunition to try to put a stop to the potential destruction of the human race. It is that important.

Here is the annotation for each entry,

The referenced page number(s) in “The Wuhan Cover-Up” or “Note:” for comments;

Date(s) or “ND” (no date);

Chapter number and title;

Extracts from book;

RFKJ: are quotes from the book.

JJB: are my comments.

Many hyperlinks are provided that are in raw https://www. format.

The devil is in the many details. There is a lot here, so may I suggest hitting all the “RFKJ” and “JJB” references? These are extracts from the book and my comments, respectively. “Jeffrey Sachs” is also worth searching for.

My closing comments and observations are after all the page-by-page citations!

Full documentation on bio- and chemical weapons, World War I-present, including books, articles, reports, videos and images are available at:


Detailed Book Review

Note: JJB: 1839-1949; Beginning in 1839, Britain and then with the USA starting in 1846, attacked the Chinese people with chemical weapons: opium, morphine and heroin, until the country’s liberation in 1949. This is the longest running, biggest and most profitable illegal drug cartel in human history, taken over by the CIA after World War II.

Page(s) 13-15; 1914-1991; Part One: The Road to Wuhan; JJB: This is an excellent summary table of chemical and biological weapon use around the world in the 20th century. We can add genocidal Western atomic (chemical) warfare with the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Page(s) 23-31; 1937-1945; Chapter 3: A Brief History of Bioweapons; JJB: The Japanese killed 500,000, almost all Chinese, with biological weapons, 1937-1945. Other research show estimates as high as 800,000 exterminated (https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Ugly-Hidden-History-Korea/dp/0926664069/).

Page(s) 32-34; 1941-present; Chapter 4: Picking Up the Pieces: The Birth of a US Bioweapons Program; JJB: The USA military, encouraged by Japan’s bioweapon (BW) war crimes in China, start doing the same thing.

Page(s) 35-38; 1945; Chapter 5: Downloading Ishii and His Henchmen: Japan’s Paperclip; JJB: The USA refuses to send Japanese BW war criminals to the postwar international trial. Instead, the US military brought these top leaders to Fort Detrick, Maryland, to launch the world’s biggest BW development programs, which continues to this day across the globe in America’s 330 bioweapon labs.

Page(s) 39-43; 1945; Chapter Six: Operation Paperclip; JJB: The USA military and pre-CIA Office of Strategic Services (OSS) smuggled 1,600 German-Nazi chemists, biologists and engineers into the country, called Operation Paperclip. Many thousands more Nazis were sent all over the West and Latin America under Operation Gladio (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2023/07/17/cynthia-chungs-new-book-the-empire-on-which-the-black-sun-never-set-the-birth-of-international-fascism-and-anglo-american-foreign-policy-is-fabulous-as-is-our-discussion-china-rising-radio/). Operation Paperclip was later renamed DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

I was shocked to learn that the CIA has been and continues to lead the US’s bioweapon programs. I previously thought that it was the military and Big Pharma. No, it’s a three-headed monster.

Page(s) 44-58; 1945-present; Chapter 7: A Three-Way Partnership; JJB: The USA, in participation with Western allies secretly uses bioweapons and chemical weapons on millions of its own citizens, as well as others around the world. Col. Leonard A. Cole showed that the USA experimented on 800,000 Americans alone (https://archive.org/details/cloudsofsecrecya00cole).

I have written much about this (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/03/31/the-face-of-western-imperialism-exposed-by-ebola-from-china-rising-capitalist-roads-socialist-destinations/). Nevertheless, Robert F. Kenney Jr (RFKJ) amply shows that my previous citation of “hundreds of thousands attacked” is a gross underestimation. It’s in the millions and ongoing today. I see chemtrails all the time in the US and France. I never see them in China.

Page(s) 44; 1930s-present; JJB: Western BW development is a three-way partnership with Big Pharma, intelligence (CIA) and the military.

Page(s) 44; 1940s-present; JJB: Fort Detrick, CDC, NIH, NIAID, USPHS, HHS are all military and CIA.

Page(s) 46; present; RFKJ: Just in the USA alone, there are 13,000 death scientists who create BW in 400 USG and university germ warfare labs for the military, intelligence and Big Pharma.

JJB: This does include America’s 330 BW production labs on every continent except Antarctica.

Page(s) 61; 1960s-present; Chapter 8: Heyday: The Bioweapons-Industrial Complex at Full Production; JJB: The USA was already weaponizing germs with gain-of-function (=dual-use=weaponization), using radiation and UV light, including coronaviruses.

Page(s) 62-64; 1951-1952; JJB: The USA repeatedly used BW on Chinese and Koreans during the war. Thomas Powell destroys the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine fairy tale that BW were not used during the Korean War (https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Ugly-Hidden-History-Korea/dp/0926664069/).

Full documentation, including books, articles, reports, videos and images are available at:


Page(s) 65-66; 1962-present; JJB: The USA has repeatedly attacked Cuba with human, animal and crop BW. Read the books by Professor Ariel Alonso Pérez, “Biological Warfare in Cuba” and Jeffrey A. Lockwood, “Six-Legged Soldiers”,

Pérez: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2021/05/16/forty-years-after-one-of-the-most-abominable-usa-bioterrorism-attacks-against-the-cuban-people-dengue-hemorrhagic-fever-by-professor-ariel-alonso-perez/ Lockwood: https://archive.org/details/sixleggedsoldier0000lock

Page(s) 67-68; 1960s-1975; Chapter 10: Vietnam; JJB: The USA attacked Southeast Asia extensively with chemical weapons and the effects on the people are still felt today (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2023/05/19/don-hank-is-your-one-stop-to-know-what-ukrainians-and-russians-are-reporting-on-the-war-its-not-in-the-msm-china-rising-radio-sinoland-2130519/).

Page(s) 74-76; 1972-present; Chapter 13: Evading Geneva and the Bioweapons Charter; JJB: The United States immediately moved all of its BW development underground and hid it under the rubric of public health, vaccines and doublespeak moniker of “biodefense” (sic). Thus, the USSR followed the American lead. The Chinese joined the club after the Western BW SARS attack in 2003.

Yet, there is a clear difference between the USA versus USSR/Russia and China. The latter two have been repeatedly attacked with BW and chemical weapons (CW) by the prior, since 1945. There is no evidence that the latter have used their BW programs for offensive warfare. America has hundreds of BW development labs on every continent except Antarctica and surrounds the latter with them. Russia and China have no BW labs outside their boundaries.

Russia and China are proof that countries can develop BW-CW to know what to expect when attacked with germ warfare, but not use them on others. The USA and its vassals have been and continue to use BW and CW on their own citizens and all of their perceived enemies across the planet.

Page(s) 81; Mid-1980s-present; Chapter 15: The Reagan Neocons and US Universities Revive Bioweapons Development under Academic Cover; JJB: The USA begins using genetic engineering and gene splicing to weaponize germs, euphemistically called, “dual-use” or “gain-of-function”.

Page(s) 82; 1987; RFKJ: In violation of international treaties, the US military/CIA already operated 127 BW projects in university- and government labs across the nation.

Page(s) 87-89; 1997-2019; Part Two: Gain-of function Research and the Rise of the Biosecurity Era; JJB: This is a very good timeline covering the first part of the 21st century.

Page(s) 105; February 2000; Chapter 17: Enter Dr. Anthony Fauci; RFKJ: Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funds creation of first coronavirus chimera (genetically engineered) at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. They replaced a mouse spike protein with a feline one, jumping species.

JJB: NIAID is one of 27 bodies making up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is controlled by the US military and the CIA.

RFKJ: Dr. Fauci’s success with Kuo suggested that in principle he now had the capacity to teach animal pathogens to leap to humans, spread quickly, and kill more efficiently.

Referenced study: Retargeting of Coronavirus by Substitution of the Spike Glycoprotein Ectodomain: Crossing the Host Cell Species Barrier


Authors: Lili Kuo,1 Gert-Jan Godeke,2 Martin J. B. Raamsman,2 Paul S. Masters,1, and Peter J. M. Rottier2

Author information: David Axelrod Institute, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York 12201,1 and Institute of Virology, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Institute of Biomembranes, Utrecht University, 3584 CL Utrecht, The Netherlands2

Page(s) 106; 2001; RFKJ: Since 2001, USA has spent around $100 billion on biodefense (sic). Every agency with a colorable claim to national security paddled out frantically to barrel the money tsunami. Since germ weaponry was still illegal, vaccines became a critical euphemism for the revival of the multi-billion-dollar bioweapon industry.

Page(s) 111-112; present; RFKJ: the USA cannot even determine how many BSL-4 labs it has, estimates range from 4-15. Nor can they count the BSL-3 labs, but it is well over 1,000.

Page(s) 112; present; RFKJ: the Sunshine Project says US lab institutional safeguards “are almost nonfunctional”, with many oversight committees never convened.

Page(s) 119; present; Chapter 18: The Medical/Military-Industrial Complex; RFKJ: US Department of Justice lawyers represent Big Pharma in industry lawsuits, not the companies’ attorneys.

Page(s) 121; 2007; Chapter 19: NAS Briefly Cracks Down on Dr. Fauci(National Academies of Science); RFKJ; University of Wisconsin resurrected and created live, infectious 1918 flu viruses and tested them on macaque monkeys.

Page(s) 122; 2021; RFKJ: In order to conceal its military applications, HHS (Health and Human Services (sic)) stopped calling the research “dual use” and rechristened it with the less menacing moniker, “gain-of-function”.

Page(s) 128; Oct 2014; Chapter 20: The Obama Moratorium; RFKJ: Due to many USA lab leaks of lethal, weaponized germs, President Obama calls for a complete moratorium on all gain-of-function (GOF) research, including influenza, SARS and MERS viruses.

Page(s) 129; 2014; JJB: Anthony Fauci of NIAID, Ralph S. Baric at UNC (University of North Carolina Charlottesville) and Mark R. Denison at Vanderbilt immediately go on the attack to negate the moratorium.

Page(s) 130-131; 2014; JJB: No matter: Fauci, NIH Director Francis Collins, Baric and Denison ignore the moratorium and keep on weaponizing germs, including Covid.

Page(s) 137; 09 October 2017; Chapter 23: The P3CO; JJB: HHS creates a protocol called “P3CO”: Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight Framework, to vet GOF research.

Page(s) 139; 2017-present; JJB: Anthony Fauci at NIAID and Frances Collins of NIH ignore the P3CO and keep on weaponizing germs.

Page(s) 141; 2011; Chapter 24: Peter Daszak Makes EcoHealth the Laundromat through Which the Pentagon, Spooks, and Public Health Technocrats Funnel Money and Bioweapons Technology to China; RFKJ: NIH has funded at least 60 scientific projects at the Wuhan lab, which is 63% of all of NIAID’s GOF budget. Most of this was laundered through EcoHealth Alliance and its President, Peter Daszak.

JJB: As we shall soon read, spoiler alert: illegal USA BW research could have been done in any the hundreds of American military BW labs around the world, but Wuhan was sought out for the mission. Why? Because the CIA wanted to spy on China.

Page(s) 141; ND; RFKJ: …the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party.

JJB: As in the United States, it appears that most BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs are overseen by the Department of Defense and its affiliates. To say that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is overseen by the People’s Liberation Army is a tautology, just as is, “the US Army at Fort Detrick”. Ditto the Communist Party of China (CCP). You have to be a member of the CCP to be in Chinese military. It’s no different in the USA, where you have to support the capitalist system. Socialists and communists are not welcome.

Page(s) 142; 2005; JJB: This is a research paper that connects SARS to bat coronaviruses. Lin-Fa Wang is the lead author. She is from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Australia. Peter Daszak/EcoHealth Alliance paid for it and got the money from Fauci at NIAID.

Study: Bats Are Natural Reservoirs of SARS-Like Coronaviruses


Authors: Wendong Li, Zhengli Shi, Meng Yu, Wuze Ren, Craig Smith, Jonathan H. Epstein, Hanzhong Wang, Gary Crameri, Zhihong Hu, Huajun Zhang, Jianhong Zhang, Jennifer McEachern, Hume Field, Peter Daszak, Bryan T. Eaton, Shuyi Zhang, and Lin-Fa Wang.

Author information: their affiliations can be seen one by one in the link above. Peter Daszak is the president of EcoHealth Alliance. The others are split between Australia, the United States and China.

 Page(s) 143; 2006; JJB: More field research identifying coronaviruses in bats. Bryan T. Eaton is the lead author. Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Peter Daszak/EcoHealth Alliance paid for it and got the money from Fauci at NIAID.

Study: The discovery of SARS-like coronaviruses in horseshoe bats highlights the possibility of future outbreaks caused by different coronaviruses of bat origin.


Authors: Lin-Fa Wang, corresponding author* Zhengli Shi,† Shuyi Zhang,‡§ Hume Field,¶ Peter Daszak,# and Bryan T. Eaton*

Author information:

*Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Victoria, Australia;

†Wuhan Institute of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China;

‡Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China;

  • East China Normal University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

¶Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia;

#Consortium for Conservation Medicine, New York, New York USA

 Page(s) 143; 2008; JJB: Fauci’s NIAID gives Daszak $2.6 million for 5-year study,

 Risk of Viral Emergence from Bats.

Project Leader: Peter Daszak. Awardee Organization: EcoHealth Alliance.


Page(s) 143; May 2014; JJB: Fauci gives Daszak $3.7 million for 5-year study,

Understanding the Risk of Coronavirus Emergence

Project Leader: Peter Daszak.  Principle Investigator: Dr. Daszak and Senior/Key Personnel: Jon Epstein, Parviez Hosseini, and Kevin Olival.

Principle funding was from USAID, with Wuhan as subgrantee.


Page(s) 146; 2007-present; JJB: NIAID has given EcoHealth Alliance 24 grants worth $14.4 million.

Page(s) 146; 2004-2022; JJB: EcoHealth Alliance got $16 million from HHS.

Pages(s) 147; 2009-2020; RFKJ: By far Daszak’s largest funding pool was the CIA surrogate, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Through USAID, the CIA funneled nearly $65 million in PREDICT funding to EcoHealth between 2009 and 2020. DOD (Department of Defense) was the NGO’s second largest donor, giving $38 million during the same period. The majority of that Pentagon lucre, $34.6 million came from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a Pentagon branch tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks”. DTRA funneled money to EcoHealth Alliance for various projects relevant to bioweapons development – including gain-of-function experiments and collecting the pathogens that cause bat borne zoonotic diseases. Some of these grants appear to be ongoing.

EcoHealth provided direct support for every aspect of gain-of-function research, paying for the collection of viruses with weapons potential from Eastern Europe to South Asia and Africa, and financing experiments by US and Chinese scientists in Wuhan to amplify their virulence.

Page(s) 147; 2022; RFKJ: By 2022, Daszak had received over $118 million from federal agencies, foundations and corporations, almost all of which went to China, including: Big Pharma, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, DOD/DTRA, BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), US Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Agriculture, Energy and Interior, USAID; National Science Foundation (CIA), DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), and the China-US Collaborative Program on Emerging and Re-Emerging  Infectious Diseases.

JJB: The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank!

Page(s) 149; 2014-2019; Chapter 25: Daszak in the Moratorium; RFKJ: …NIAID agreed to fund a five-year, $3.7 million EcoHealth Alliance study,

Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence

Contact PI (Principal Investigator)/Project Leader: Daszak, Peter.

Awardee Organization: Ecohealth Alliance, Inc.


EcoHealth listed WIV and Wuhan University School of Public Health as subgrantees.

RFKJ: From this grant, NIH laundered at least $665,000 through Daszak directly to Shi Zhengli between 2014 and 2019.

JJB: Not exactly true. The money went to Project Leader and Principal Invesitgator Peter Daszak, along with Senior/Key Personnel: Jon Epstein, Parviez Hosseini, and Kevin Olival. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was the lab being used with NIH money for PI (Principal Investigator)/Project Leader Peter Daszak to conduct his experiments, and the Chinese as students.

Page(s) 149; August 2020; JJB: A NIH grant was awarded to EcoHealth,

Understanding Risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast Asia

Project Leader: Peter Daszak.

Awardee Organization: EcoHealth Alliance.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s One Health Platform participated, to sample bats in more than 12 West Asian nations, including China and Georgia (huge US BW lab there).

Quotes from DARPA and Kevin Olival (Colorado State) in reference to this project, “Risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence (euphemism for GOF) …Might find SARS, MERS coronaviruses, as well as deadly Ebola, Marburg and Nipah viruses, which are very good candidates for weaponization”.

Emerging Infectious Diseases – Southeast Asia Research Collaboration Hub (EID-SEARCH), is a collaboration among leaders in emerging disease research in the USA, Thailand, Singapore and the three major Malaysian administrative regions. These researchers have networks that span >50 clinics, laboratories and research institutions across almost all SE Asian countries. To collect samples and questionnaire data from human communities that live in EID hotspots and have high cultural and behavioral risk of animal exposure (e.g. wildlife hunting, bat guano collection).

Looks like Daszak learned his field collection methods from WIV’s Shi Zhengli. Clearly, this kind of work is standard operating procedure in Asia, if not elsewhere.

Page(s) 155; 2004-2010; Chapter 27: Historic Accidents, Infections, and Escapes at Biolabs. RFKJ: The CDC reported a total of 727 incidents of theft, loss and leakage of biological media, including 639 leaks, most of which were BSL-3 labs.

Page(s) 156; 2009-2015; RFKJ: The Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP: https://www.selectagents.gov/) received a total of 749 incident reports from select agent facilities. Conservatively, 594 or 79.3% involved human error, including dengue, anthrax, H5N1, smallpox, Ebola, Zika and coronavirus.

JJB: FSAP is charged with keeping track of the USA’s most deadly germs and toxins.

Page(s) 156; 2014-2018; RFKJ: Cambridge Working Group estimated in 2014 that potentially dangerous lab leaks occur, on average, two times each week in the US alone. By 2018, the number had risen to an average of four times per week.

Page(s) 156; 2003-2007; RFKJ: AP (Associated Press) identified 36 accidents or lost shipments in 2007 alone and over 100 accidents and missing shipments between 2003-2007 involving monkeypox, bird flu, bubonic plague at 44 labs in 24 states.

Page(s) 158; 2010; RFKJ: In 2010, 244 unintended releases of bioweapon candidate “select agents” were reported.

Page(s) 159; 2013-2015; RFKJ: Eight incidents when infected lab mice escaped Ralph Baric’s lab and six occasions since 2015 in which laboratory accidents exposed employees to coronaviruses.

Page(s)   160; July 2019; RFKJ: CDC took the extreme step of suspending activities at Fort Detrick due to serious safety violations relating to the dispersal of dangerous material. The official explanation of Army officials was “biosafety lapses” and the “failure of Fort Detrick’s steam sterilization plant.

JJB: This happened just before COVID-19 was found/released in Wuhan. The coincidences are highly suspicious. The extract below from a more complete outline tells the story (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/04/02/godfree-roberts-shares-his-sars-cov-2-timeline-there-is-a-99-chance-it-should-be-called-the-yankee-coronavirus-china-rising-radio-sinoland-200402/),

June 30, 2019– Unidentified pneumonia in Springfield, Virginia nursing home near Fort Detrick, MD, 15 minutes from Fort Belvoir, VA, where the US team trained for the Wuhan Military Games.

July 9th, 2019- Report of vape pneumonia 100km southeast of Fort Detrick, MD. The lung images showed the Covid-19 ground glass shadow. Still unexplained.

July 12th, 2019–Respiratory outbreak at Springfield, Virginia assisted care facility, near Fort Detrick, kills 2, sickens 54. A third patient dies four days later. Deaths remain unexplained to this day.

July 14, 2019–Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation. Public Health Agency of Canada describes it as a possible ‘policy breach,’ no risk to Canadian public. Did she discover the Covid-19 outbreak?

July 17th, 2019–A pneumonia epidemic report reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA, 56 minutes from Fort Detrick, MD.  It remains unexplained to this day.

July 26Virginia State Health Bureau takes measures to prevent the spread of the pneumonia epidemic, including stopping collective activities, screening residents, and extra cleanliness.

August 5th, Media widely reports that the CDC’s closure of Fort Detrick, MD was for national security.

August 6, 2019–CDC shuts down America’s main biological warfare lab at Fort Detrick, MD, an unheard-of civilian intervention in military affairs. A senior scientist describes the atmosphere there as one of “fear and mistrust.” The CDC refuses to provide details.

August 19th, CDC expands patient detection system with the same symptoms as existing patients.

August 26, 2019 – The Virginia Department of Health confirms three cases of severe lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarettes, known as vaping.

September 2019–A nationwide outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia causes severe respiratory problems in hundreds of people, kills 54. So-called ‘vaping-associated lung disease’ shares same symptoms as Covid-19 and images invariably show the same bilateral ground-glass opacities.

September 14-October 10–US military team trains for Military World Games at Fort Belvoir, near Fort Detrick, MD.

October 18, 2019–The Deputy Director of the CIA participated in a Johns Hopkins, WEF, and the Gates Foundation hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise codenamed Event 201 modeling a fictional coronavirus pandemic.

November, 2019Coronavirus identified in Italy after laboratory tests isolated a strain of the virus from an Italian patient with genetic differences from the original strain isolated in China. Massimo Galli, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Milan said, “Very strange pneumonias” circulated in Europe as early as November last year (2018).

Added note to outline: Barcelona, Spain, 12 March 2019 discovered COVID-19 in-country, even before Italy (https://web.ub.edu/en/web/actualitat/w/sars-cov-2-detected-in-waste-waters-in-barcelona-on-march-12-2019 and https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.13.20129627v1).

Added link to Italian journal paper (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/0300891620974755).

JJB: Everyone should be very concerned about all that was “released” in the above Chapter 27. Deadly concerned.

Page(s) 165; 2015-2017; Chapter 28: Do Pandemics Frequently Jump from Animals to Humans?; JJB: Fauci, Collins and Collin’s Chief-of-Staff Lawrence Tabak met secretly with National Security Council (NSC) and the White House Office of S&T (Science and Technology) Policy to eliminate Obama’s GOF moratorium. NSC is the CIA and military.

Page(s) 186; 2015, 06 February 2018; Chapter 32: Ralph Baric. JJB: Ralph Baric patents the chimeric coronavirus spike protein. This is the weapon in SARS-CoV-2,


Page(s) 188; Sep 2015; RFKJ: Baric is the only US author listed on a 2015 NIH-, NIAID-funded gain-of-function paper entitled, “Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus”. Abetted by Drs. Fauci and Collins, Baric published this article in open defiance of the 2014-2016 White House moratorium on gain-of-function studies.

JJB: Just because people’s names are Chinese-looking does not mean they are from China. Author Shibo Jiang hails from two US institutions and one Chinese. Zhengli Shi is from China. All the others are from American institutions. Fang Li is the chief author, from the USA. This was a weaponization project.

Study: Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus


Authors: Yang Yang 1, Chang Liu 1, Lanying Du 2, Shibo Jiang 3, Zhengli Shi 4, Ralph S Baric 5, Fang Li 6

Author information: 1 Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 2 Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute, New York Blood Center, New York, New York, USA. 3 Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute, New York Blood Center, New York, New York, USA Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of Ministries of Education and Health, Shanghai Medical College and Institute of Medical Microbiology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 4Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. 5 Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. 6 Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Page(s) 188-189; Dec 2007; RFKJ: In his 2006 paper (see below), Baric points out that to earn the label “weapon of mass destruction”, a bioweapon should be able to “kill, injure, or incapacitate the enemy, elicit fear, and devastate national economies: Baric describes the ideal characteristics of an effective bioweapon:

Traditionally, biological warfare concerns have focused on a relatively limited, select group of naturally occurring pathogens viewed as having a set of desirable characteristics: 1) highly pathogenic, 2) readily available, 3) easily produced, 4) weaponizable, 5) stable, 6) infectious at a low dose, 7) easily transmissible, and 8) inspiring of fear.

Page(s) 188; 2015: RFKJ: “It’s notable that Baric wrote about the potential to develop SARS CoVs as a bioweapon more than 15 years earlier”, Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs told me. “Soon after the first SARS came out, Baric wrote a paper about bioweaponry and biowarfare, promoting the idea that one of the viruses that could be useful for biowarfare would be a SARS CoV…”.

Ralph Baric: With the advent of synthetic biology, recombinant DNA technology, reverse genetic approaches (i.e. the development of molecular clones of infectious genomes) and the identification of virulence alleles, not only are new avenues available for obtaining these pathogens, but more ominously, tools exist for simultaneously modifying the genomes for increased virulence, immunogenicity, transmissibility, host range and pathogenesis. Moreover, these approaches can be used to molecularly resurrect extinct human and animal pathogens, like the 1918 human influenza virus.

JJB: This is the psychopathic war criminal American, with Anthony Fauci’s taxpayer NIAID money laundered through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, who showed WIV how to weaponize germs. Why? Because the CIA wanted a presence there.


Page(s) 193; 2015; Chapter 33: China’s Refreshing Candor about Gain-of-Function for Weapons Development; JJB: This chapter is based on the Chinese book, translated into English,

The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons. Editor-in-Chief: Xu Dezhong


RFKJ quoted this article,


Page(s) 193; 2015; JJB: The Australian article quotes from this Chinese book, sourced by the US Department of State (DOS), “…the herald of promising new era of genetic weapons”. RFKJ suggests this is proof the Chinese are hellbent on creating and using offensive bioweapons.

However, in the downloaded Archive.org book (link above), it does not say this. It says, “Ten million people to save lives, save countless wealth, can create a new era in the prevention and control of infectious diseases”!

Not the same thing. Given that the source is the DOS, it is common psyops to “translate” texts to fit the propaganda; given that Archive.org stands to be much less ideological and more accurate, I’d say the Archive.org book is very likely correct, and the DOS claim is false. This seriously refutes Chapter 33’s main point.

Note: after downloading the Archive.org book in text format, I imported it into Word, searching “new era”. This passage is on page 298, with 1.27cm/0.5” margins all the way around.

Page(s) 194; June 2005; RFKJ: Dr. Fauci, along with his U. S. Military and intelligence agency partners, had been conducting and funding for years at the Wuhan lab. US scientists had developed humanized mice in 2002. NIH-funded scientists like Ralph Baric had been using humanized mice to test human infectiousness of their enhanced pathogens for nearly two decades!

Page(s) 197; 2018; Chapter 34: Beijing on the Bayou: The Galveston (Texas, USA) Lab; JJB: Wuhan and Harbin open BSL-4 labs. This, while,

RFKJ: NIAID helped the Chinese jump-start their program, by training China’s scientists and technicians both onsite and at Galveston…while simultaneously sending high-level American technicians to Wuhan, Harbin, and Beijing to train the Chines engineers who were building and preparing to manage those facilities.

JJB: Again, all of this technology and know-how were given to the Chinese, since the CIA was desperate to have an espionage foothold inside China.

Page(s) 228; 2022; Chapter 38: Spooks in the Kitchen; JJB: CIA cutout USAID invested $64 million in BW research in Wuhan, the #1 contributor.

Page(s) 229; 2022; Neil Harrison and Jeffrey Sachs: If the virus did indeed result from laboratory research and experimentation, it was almost certainly created with US biotechnology and know-how that had been made available to researchers in China (https://www.project-syndicate.org/onpoint/did-us-technology-help-create-covid-19-in-china-by-neil-l-harrison-and-jeffrey-d-sachs-2022-05).

Page(s) 236; 2020; JJB: The National Security Council (NSC=CIA+military) became the lead agency responsible for COVID policy. It was never a public health issue, but an intelligence and military operation perpetrated on all of humanity, from virus release to the mRNA genetic mutation shots.

Page(s) 228-250; 2020-present; JJB: Avril Haines was the CIA director charged with crushing the truth about the COVID’s lab origin and replacing it with the natural origin, species-jumping hoax. A lot of exposure was at stake: Fauci, Daszak, Baric, CIA, DOD and Big Pharma collusion. The Chinese of course went along, being compromised as well, and knowing that any lab origin claim would be immediately used to attack them, to deflect from its Western roots.

To this day, Haines’ fraud is still alive and well in the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine.

Page(s) 248; 2022; RFKJ: Pointing fingers at the Chinese was a convenient strategic gambit, since it deflected attention from US health and intelligence officials. There is, of course no acknowledgement in the summary that NIH had shared with Chinese scientists the dangerous proprietary technology for transforming harmless coronaviruses into pandemic superbugs.

Page(s) 251; 2012; RFKJ: …in 2012, a break in US security resulted in the execution or imprisonment of 18-20 of the CIA’s top spies in Beijing…prompting the CIA’s reckless efforts to infiltrate the Wuhan lab by trading US proprietary weapons technologies for opportunities to spy…US agencies often make the hubristic mistake of thinking they are two steps ahead of the Chinese. Sadly, the Chinese are almost always 10 steps ahead of the CIA.

JJB: Here is the heart of the whole saga. As President Barak Obama said in 2009, “The CIA gets what it wants”. (https://newrepublic.com/article/112964/obamas-secrecy-destroying-american-support-counterterrorism). This has been true since its founding by President Harry Truman in 1947 (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2016/11/20/why-trump-was-selected-over-clinton-a-china-rising-radio-sinoland-perspective-161120/).

Page(s) 251; 2015; UndercoverDC: The CIA was primarily interested in partnering with EcoHealth as an instrument for spying on the Chinese (https://uncoverdc.com/2022/02/17/gain-of-function-research-the-ecohealth-alliance-intelligence-collection-scam/).

Page(s) 251-252; 2014; RFKJ: Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca partly owns Metabiota, also invested in by In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm to develop BW in US military labs in Ukraine. Metabiota is EcoHealth Alliance’s close strategic partner (https://thenationalpulse.com/archive-post/hunter-biden-invested-in-ecohealth-wuhan-partner/ and https://nypost.com/2022/03/26/hunter-biden-played-role-in-funding-us-bio-labs-contractor-in-ukraine-e-mails/).

JJB: Early on, James Bradley and I have been reporting extensively on the Democratic Party-Ukraine-BW Lab loop (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=jb%20metabiota).

Page(s) 253; 2015; Andrew Huff: The CIA wanted to put Daszak in a position to collect intelligence on China’s BW capabilities…partnering with China in an intelligence collection operation targeting highly sensitive Chinese labs. China does not need our money. China needs our biotech and intellectual property. EcoHealth Alliance, USAID and NIH gave China inside access to the world’s most dangerous and advanced bioweapons technology.

Page(s) 261; 2002; Chapter 41: NIAID Funded GOF Studies at the Wuhan Lab 2005-2020; RFKJ: According to senior State Department diplomat Miles Yu, the secretary’s chief China policy advisor, that (SARS) high fatality rate led some Chinese government officials to believe that that virus had been engineered and released by the United States and motivated to launch their own biodefense and bioweapons program.

Page(s) 262; 2004; This is an NIH and NSC (a CIA cutout) cofounded study. Lin-Fa Wang is the lead author. She is from Australia.

Study: Bats Are Reservoirs of SARS-like Coronaviruses


Authors: Wendong Li 1, Zhengli Shi, Meng Yu, Wuze Ren, Craig Smith, Jonathan H Epstein, Hanzhong Wang, Gary Crameri, Zhihong Hu, Huajun Zhang, Jianhong Zhang, Jennifer McEachern, Hume Field, Peter Daszak, Bryan T Eaton, Shuyi Zhang, Lin-Fa Wang

Page(s) 262; 2017; A study. Shi Zhengli is the lead author. She is from WIV, China. This study is mostly fieldwork gathering SARS coronaviruses in the wild.

Study: Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus


Authors: Ben Hu 1, Lei-Ping Zeng 1, Xing-Lou Yang 1, Xing-Yi Ge 1, Wei Zhang 1, Bei Li 1, Jia-Zheng Xie 1, Xu-Rui Shen 1, Yun-Zhi Zhang 2 3, Ning Wang 1, Dong-Sheng Luo 1, Xiao-Shuang Zheng 1, Mei-Niang Wang 1, Peter Daszak 4, Lin-Fa Wang 5, Jie Cui 1, Zheng-Li Shi 1

Page(s) 263; 2015; A study that combined different strains of coronaviruses spliced together to create a chimera. Ralph Baric is the lead author.

Study: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence


Authors: Vineet D Menachery, Boyd L Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E Gralinski, Jessica A Plante, Rachel L Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F Donaldson, Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A Marasco, Zhengli-Li Shi & Ralph S Baric

Page(s) 263; 2013; A lab study. Shi Zhengli is the lead author, using Baric’s reverse genetics technology to create a chimera, Daszak’s (an author) hands-on teaching and NIH money to pay for it all.

Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor


Authors: Xing-Yi Ge 1, Jia-Lu Li, Xing-Lou Yang, Aleksei A Chmura, Guangjian Zhu, Jonathan H Epstein, Jonna K Mazet, Ben Hu, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng, Yu-Ji Zhang, Chu-Ming Luo, Bing Tan, Ning Wang, Yan Zhu, Gary Crameri, Shu-Yi Zhang, Lin-Fa Wang, Peter Daszak, Zheng-Li Shi

Page(s) 263; 2015; Another field study. Shi Zhengli is the lead author. Wild Mojiang Mine WIV1 virus was isolated and shown to infect human cells. Daszak is an author using NIH money to pay for it all.

Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Bat Coronavirus Closely Related to the Direct Progenitor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus      


Authors: Xing-Lou Yang 1, Ben Hu 1, Bo Wang 1, Mei-Niang Wang 1, Qian Zhang 1, Wei Zhang 1, Li-Jun Wu 1, Xing-Yi Ge 1, Yun-Zhi Zhang 2, Peter Daszak 3, Lin-Fa Wang 4, Zheng-Li Shi 5

Author information: 1 Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. 2 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali, China. 3 EcoHealth Alliance, New York, New York, USA. 4 Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore. 5 Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

Page(s) 264; 2014?-2019; RFKJ: Both Baric and Menachery (UTMB Galveston Lab) were doing cutting-edge bioweapon science that greatly interested the Chinese.

Page(s) 264; 2016; A field study. Shi Zhengli is the lead author of a field study to identify wild coronaviruses in bats.

Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft


Authors: Xing-Yi Ge 1, Ning Wang 1, Wei Zhang 1, Ben Hu 1, Bei Li 1, Yun-Zhi Zhang 2 3, Ji-Hua Zhou 2, Chu-Ming Luo 1, Xing-Lou Yang 1, Li-Jun Wu 1, Bo Wang 1, Yun Zhang 4, Zong-Xiao Li 4, Zheng-Li Shi 5

Author information: 1 Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China. 2 Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Zoonosis Control and Prevention, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali, 671000, China. 3 School of Public Health, Dali University, Dali, 671000, China. 4 Mojiang Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, Mojiang, 654800, China. 5 Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China.

Page(s) 265; 2015-2019; RFKJ: …Daszak was keeping secret some of his subawards to Shi even from his US government funders.

JJB: No consequences. Daszak and EcoHealth are still in business, raking in millions of US taxpayer, NGO, corporate and foundation money.
2009 Swine flu.
2013 Avian flu.
Page(s) 267-272; 2016-2023; JJB: this is an excellent, up-to-date event timeline. However, it leaves out very important bioweapon attacks in China. In 2009, China had very unnatural spreads of swine flu. Ditto avian flu in 2013. They both had the hallmark signs of bioweapon attacks. Coincidence or not, right after Trump got into the White House in 2016, China was hit with a string of avian flu and swine fever epidemics that defied all norms of epidemiological spread. Over the next two years, through 2019, much of the country’s poultry flocks and pig herds were wiped out, the world’s largest. These 2009-2019 attacks cost the Chinese economy tens of billions of dollars – and no coincidence – China was forced to import millions of tons of pork and poultry, principally from the USA and Europe. Surprise, surprise! I covered this at the time (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/07/23/its-getting-uglier-by-the-day-a-timeline-of-euranglolands-recent-causus-belli-against-china-western-capitalism-is-declaring-war-on-communist-socialist-china-because-it-cannot/ and https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/02/04/transcript-is-wuhan-coronavirus-a-hit-job-this-is-a-whodunit-not-to-miss-uriah-heep-our-expert-sherlock-holmes-solves-the-case/).

This helps explain China’s 24/7 vigilance again BW attacks, starting in 1937 with the Japanese.

Page(s) 273-277; 2020-2021; Chapter 42: Anthony Fauci perjures himself; JJB: Fauci is a proven war criminal committing vast crimes against humanity and responsible for death, illness and injury of millions of people around the world. No consequences for “America’s doctor”. He’s retired now, living in a multi-million-dollar home. It’s the Western way.

Page(s) 276; 2022; Jeffrey Sachs: …it was Dr. Fauci’s reckless experiments that incited the pandemic.

JJB: Dubbed “America’s doctor” during the Covid plandemic, Fauci is a perjuring war criminal who commits crimes against humanity with impunity, is glorified as a savior, is a multimillionaire hero and suffers no consequences. This is the West today.

Page(s) 278; 2006; Chapter 43: A Detailed Description of Dr. Fauci’s Gain-of-Function Studies in China; JJB: This study was led by Bryan T Eaton, from the Department of Microbiology, John Curtin School of Medical Research, National University, Canberra, Australia. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance financed it with Fauci’s NIAID money. Hume E. Field works for EcoHealth Alliance and is from the University of Queensland, Jeppesen Field, Australia. Lin-Fa Wang is from Australia. Zhengli Shi and Shuyi Zhang are from China.

Study: Review of Bats and SARS


Authors: Lin-Fa Wang 1, Zhengli Shi, Shuyi Zhang, Hume Field, Peter Daszak, Bryan T Eaton

Author information: 1 Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

Page(s) 278; 2008; A study. JJB: This study was led by Zhengli Shi, at WIV. This is weaponization, using Baric’s dark arts that were shown to them, including Daszak/EcoHealth and NIH’s money to teach them.

Study: Difference in receptor usage between severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and SARS-like coronavirus of bat origin


Authors: Wuze Ren 1, Xiuxia Qu, Wendong Li, Zhenggang Han, Meng Yu, Peng Zhou, Shu-Yi Zhang, Lin-Fa Wang, Hongkui Deng, Zhengli Shi

Author information: 1 State key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430071, China. Lin-Fa Wang is Singaporean, having been in Australia, now at Duke University Medical School in Singapore. Meng YU is in Australia. The others are from China.

Page(s) 279; 2003; RFKJ: Baric began collaborating with Chinese scientists immediately after the 2003 SARS outbreak.

JJB: Baric shared with the Chinese his dark arts of germ weaponization, teacher to students. It is who he is and what he does.

Page(s) 279; 2008; A study. Mark R Denison at Vanderbilt University, USA led this study. Baric created a synthetic SARS clone by replacing part of the spike protein, using Chinese bat genomes. This is weaponization.

Study: Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in mice


Authors: Michelle M Becker 1, Rachel L Graham, Eric F Donaldson, Barry Rockx, Amy C Sims, Timothy Sheahan, Raymond J Pickles, Davide Corti, Robert E Johnston, Ralph S Baric, Mark R Denison

Author information: 1 Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA.

Page(s) 279; 1981; A study. JJB: Vincent R Racaniello is at Columbia University, New York. David Baltimore is a Nobel Prize winner at California Institute of Technology.

This is the pioneering reverse genetics and infectious clone methodologies adopted by Baric. Microbiologists who create bioweapons win the Nobel Prize. Creating weapons of mass destruction has been totally normalized for over 40 years.

Study: Cloned poliovirus complementary DNA is infectious in mammalian cells


Authors: V R Racaniello, D Baltimore

Page(s) 280; 2007; JJB: Baric’s call for the USA to mobilize and create and use bioweapons.

Paper: Synthetic Viral Genomics: Risks and Benefits for Science and Society

Author: Ralph Baric, University of North Carolina Charlottesville


JJB: This is the same paper referenced on page 188-189; December 2007 above. RFKJ’s Huxley-esque description of Baric’s psychopathy is worth pondering. This is beyond frightening. This is all of humanity’s 21st century, real-life dystopia,

In December of 2007, Dr. Baric published an extraordinarily candid paper that explained his purpose in conducting such experiments and that set the stage for all future gain-of-function research. Thanks to Anthony Fauci, Dr. Baric is one of the top recipients of NIH funding. Some 200 grants from NIAID and NIH and hundreds of papers in his curriculum vitae have helped Dr. Baric earn his unofficial title as the “Godfather of Weaponized Viruses” and the world’s leading authority on coronaviruses.

Following Shiro Ishii’s strategy, the virology community and its government funders routinely claim that the purpose of gain-of-function science is to predict natural spillovers and to develop countermeasures vaccines. But Dr. Baric’s 2007 article unabashedly celebrates the recent revolutions in synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and cloning technologies as potential boons to a brave new era in bioweapons development. In contrast to his later statements, the Dr. Baric of 2007 adopted a refreshing frankness about the martial purpose of his gain-of-function dabbling. While Baric’s article periodically invokes the obligatory propaganda tropes that mask GOF as purely defensive or benevolent science, they seem like window dressing to an otherwise naked and giddy appeal to an audience of potential funders principally committed to developing bioweapons.

Dr. Baric begins by warning that traditional biodefense strategies are focused on the “small group of plant, animal, and human pathogens with bioweapons potential that occur in nature” and “counterterrorism think tanks anticipate that these particular threats will ameliorate over the next decade because of medical countermeasures, (e.g., drugs, vaccines, diagnostics)”. After suggesting Mother Nature has little more to offer in the way of weapons, Baric then proclaims that advances in genetic engineering and synthetic biology can be used to create new biological weapons able to evade these traditional medical defenses. He urges the bioweapons cartel to waste no time launching a new arms race by exploiting these new GOF technologies. “The technology to synthetically reconstruct genomes is fairly straightforward and will be used, if not by the United States, then by other Nations throughout the world. Given Baric’s central role in the GOF arena, his reflections lend a sinister context to the entire field of study.

In the years after Baric published this paper, bioweapons enthusiasts began “assessing the potential for viral spillover”, the new euphemism for bioweapons research and development. Some version of this core phrase suddenly became a ubiquitous contrivance for concealing bioweapons science in dozens of NIH, USAID, and NSF grant applications.

In the years leading up to his ominous 2007 paper, Baric had explored numerous techniques for coaxing animal viruses to become more deadly and to infect humans. All of these were inherently limited by the known difficulties of culturing coronaviruses. Already by 2002, Baric had perfected a technique, with the help of Mark Denison, that circumvents these difficulties.

Here is Baric’s 2002 study. Yount and Baric are at UNC, Denison is at Vanderbilt and Weiss is at the University of Pennsylvania.

Systematic assembly of a full-length infectious cDNA of mouse hepatitis virus strain A59


Authors: Boyd Yount 1, Mark R Denison, Susan R Weiss, Ralph S Baric

Author information:   1Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7435, USA.

If you were the Chinese, would you want to know what Baric is up to?

Page(s) 282; 2008; A study; JJB: In this study, Baric created a lethal coronavirus that kills mice, but not humans. Another step closer to creating SARS-Cov-2, aka COVID-19.

A mouse-adapted SARS-coronavirus causes disease and mortality in BALB/c mice


Authors: Anjeanette Roberts 1, Damon Deming, Christopher D Paddock, Aaron Cheng, Boyd Yount, Leatrice Vogel, Brian D Herman, Tim Sheahan, Mark Heise, Gillian L Genrich, Sherif R Zaki, Ralph Baric, Kanta Subbarao

Authors: 1 Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America. Cheng is with GlaxoSmithKline. Vogel is NIAID. Herman is at the University of Pittsburg. Genrich is at George Washington University Medical Center, Washington DC. Paddock and Zaki are from CDC. Deming (also with FDA), Yount, Sheahan and Heise are with Baric at UNC. Subbaro is Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza.

Page(s) 282; 2012-2013; RFKJ: …Baric approached Shi Zhengli at an international conference after hearing her presentation. Baric proposed a collaboration on GOF research.

JJB: It is Fauci, Baric and Daszak chasing after the Chinese, not the other way around.

Page(s) 282; ND; RFKJ: The new collaboration would allow Baric to combine his innovations with Shi’s genetic information, making them both much more dangerous.

JJB: It was Baric who wanted Shi’s field research to weaponize coronavirus genomes found by Shi, and he was happy to teach her his dark arts to get those genomes.

Page(s) 283; ND; RFKJ: Baric therefore had developed all the tools required to build synthetic coronaviruses from the various incomplete genomes that the Chinese had identified but never cultured. All he needed was the sequences. Baric desperately wanted to get his hands on Shi’s SHC014 virus.

According to Baric: “We talked after the meeting. I asked her whether she’d be willing to make the sequences to either the SHC014 or WIV1 spike available after she published. And she was gracious enough to send us those sequences almost immediately – in fact, before she’d published”.

Baric’s specialty, synthesizing super infectious clones of naturally occurring viruses, solved one of the long-standing challenges of CoV research: the near impossibility of culturing most species in vitro.

JJB: Shi field discovered viruses, Baric weaponized them and with Daszak using Fauci’s NIH money, taught her how to do it.

Page(s) 284; ND; RFKJ: Baric’s prowess at the resurrection technique meant he could solve Shi’s central problem: using reverse genetics, he took the sequence of SHC014 and fabricated the SHC014 virus clone at UNC.

JJB: Shi’s central problem? Who’s doing the weaponizing? It’s Baric’s project and goal to weaponize SHC014, not Shi’s. This war crime of Baric’s was a giant step towards creating COVID-19.

Page(s) 288; RFKJ: While Baric’s lab had a BSL 3+ rating, Shi and her colleagues were conducting their parallel work in a BSL-2 lab, with relatively rudimentary safety protocols.

JJB: Why would Fauci, Baric and Daszak allow this, called by a Stanford University bioengineer, “an actual scandal” and other scientists, “It’s so recklessly dangerous”. Because the CIA wanted to spy on China at all costs.

Page(s) 288-289; 2014; A study; JJB: Shi Zhengli is the lead author. It is a field study to gather new viruses. Paid for by Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance, who was paid by Fauci at NIAID.

Detection of diverse novel astroviruses from small mammals in China


Ben Hu 1, Aleksei A Chmura 2, Jialu Li 1, Guangjian Zhu 2, James S Desmond 2, Yunzhi Zhang 3, Wei Zhang 1, Jonathan H Epstein 2, Peter Daszak 2, Zhengli Shi 1

1 Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, CAS Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, PR China. 2 EcoHealth Alliance, New York, NY 10001, USA. 3 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali, PR China.

Page(s) 291; March 2016; A study; JJB: This is the study to launch COVID-19. More of Baric’s chimeric weaponization of SARS-CoV using the Chinese Mojiang Mine genome (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/02/04/transcript-is-wuhan-coronavirus-a-hit-job-this-is-a-whodunit-not-to-miss-uriah-heep-our-expert-sherlock-holmes-solves-the-case/ and https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/02/12/is-uriah-heep-speaking-wuhan-coronavirus-truth-to-power-or-just-blowing-sino-sci-fi-out-his-backside-china-rising-radio-sinoland-200212/). By thanking Shi and calling Baric’s SARS-CoV virus “WIV1” in the 100% non-China study, the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine was locked and loaded to tar and feather the Chinese with COVID-19 and deftly deflect its true origins, going back to the USA’s weaponization of germs starting back in the 1960s, ongoing.

SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence     


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology for access to bat CoV sequences and plasmid of WIV1-CoV spike protein.

Authors: Vineet D Menachery 1, Boyd L Yount Jr 1, Amy C Sims 1, Kari Debbink 2, Sudhakar S Agnihothram 3, Lisa E Gralinski 1, Rachel L Graham 1, Trevor Scobey 1, Jessica A Plante 1, Scott R Royal 1, Jesica Swanstrom 1, Timothy P Sheahan 1, Raymond J Pickles 4, Davide Corti 5, Scott H Randell 6, Antonio Lanzavecchia 7, Wayne A Marasco 8, Ralph S Baric 9

Author information: 1 Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 2 Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 3 Division of Microbiology, National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR 72079; 4 Division of Microbiology, National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR 72079; Department of Cell Biology and Physiology and Marsico Lung Institute/Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 5 Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland; Institute of Microbiology, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Humabs BioMed SA, Bellinzona, Switzerland; 6 Department of Cell Biology and Physiology and Marsico Lung Institute/Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 7 Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland; Institute of Microbiology, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 8 Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute-Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA 02215. 9 Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; Division of Microbiology, National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR 72079

Page(s) 292; ND; RFKJ: Fauci’s powerful patronage allowed Daszak, Baric and Shi to blissfully ignore such warnings. But low-tier career NIH officials worried about Daszak’s chronic rule breaking.

JJB: Shi? She was paid by Daszak to get the coronavirus genomes that Baric wanted to make COVID-19. Daszak’s chronic rule breaking? No, Fauci, Collins, Baric and Daszak are war criminals committing crimes against humanity and need to be brought before a Nurenberg 2.0, tried and hanged.

Page(s) 293; 2014-2017; A grant. JJB: Daszak gets NIAID’s Fauci to again approve making chimeric coronaviruses = weaponization.

Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence

Contact PI (Principle Investigator)/Project Leader: Daszak, Peter.

Awardee Organization: EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.


Page(s) 293; ND; Chapter 44: Another Crazy Proposal-How a Dysfunctional NIH Funded a Treasonous Chinese Bioweapons Experiment; JJB: Dysfunctional NIH? No, Fauci and Collins knew exactly what they were doing: creating bioweapons, intentionally and with premeditation.

Page(s) 293; ND; RFKJ: EcoHealth hoped to support the Chinese project to graft spikes from the most infectious strains of coronaviruses onto MERS.

JJB: Chinese project? Who is doing MERS weaponization here? Fauci and Daszak are paying WIV to use its lab outside the USA during a supposed White House mandated GOF moratorium, which they totally ignored, with a quid pro quo to teach the Chinese the West’s dark arts.

Page(s) 293; ND; RFKJ: Bat Woman Takes Charge …Daszak now wanted US taxpayer money to fund Chinese scientists weaponizing common coronavirus strains by cobbling together parts from the most infectious and deadly versions.

JJB: Again, who is in the driver’s seat? Who are the teachers and who are the students? All the evidence shows that Baric and Daszak were doing the weaponizing, using virus strains found by the Chinese. It’s Daszak’s proposal to NIH, not Shi’s.

Page(s) 294; ND; RFKJ: For the first time, NIH officials learned that Daszak had already used the 2015 NIH grant to fund Chinese scientists who successfully engineered two chimeric superbugs from the 2003 SARS coronavirus (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/03/the-virus-hunting-nonprofit-at-the-center-of-the-lab-leak-controversy).

JJB: The Chinese did not know how to weaponize viruses until Fauci paid Daszak and Baric to teach them how to do it. Daszak was in Wuhan as a CIA asset, so that Langley could spy on China. Do you think the Chinese did not know what was going on, and would not want insider knowledge, knowing how much they have been a victim of Western/Japanese BW-CW attacks since 1839? I don’t either.

Page(s) 294-298; ND; JJB: Daszak lies and covers up repeatedly to NIH to get his weaponization plans approved, totally evading the P3CO review process. Is he telling the same lies and covering up to the Chinese too?

Page(s) 295; ND; JJB: Daszak’s stated purpose in his original grant was to make the bugs more transmissible to humans (https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966/defuse-proposal.pdf).

Page(s) 295-296; ND; RFKJ: Shi’s NIAID-funded experiments.

JJB: No, Daszak is the awarded project leader/principal investigator and EcoHealth Alliance got the money, not Shi and Wuhan. Daszak is using the Chinese to weaponize viruses, with Baric’s dark arts.

Page(s) 296; 27 June 2016; Daszak: (in response to NIH grant reviewers) You are correct to identify a mistake in our (Daszak and Baric) letter, UNC has no oversight of the chimera work, all of which will be conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

JJB: This is clear evidence that Fauci, Collins, Daszak and Baric wanted to create what became COVID-19, to the point that they turned their Chinese students loose to get it done. Daszak also later admitted that WIV was not required to share its research notes with. No worries. Baric only needed the superbug, since he knew how to reverse engineer anything given to him, with his proverbial eyes closed.

Page(s) 296; 2016l RFKJ: Daszak’s language provided that if any of the chimeric viruses began to grow 10 times faster on human tissue than natural viruses, EcoHealth would immediately suspend all experiments and inform the NIH officers.

JJB: This is Daszak’s responsibility to stop the show and inform NIH, not the responsibility of the Chinese. It’s his project and Fauci’s money paying for it.

Page(s) 297; Dr. Richard Ebright, PhD: This is like the teacher giving you the opportunity to write your own homework problem and grade your own homework when you turn it in. Then, you decide the teacher is so lenient that there’s no need to hand it in. The oversight process clearly failed.

JJB: Daszak was the teacher. The Chinese were the students. Fauci and Collins were the school principal and vice-principal. The principals and teacher are responsible for the students, not the other way around.

Page(s) 297; 2018; RFKJ: Yet Shi and Daszak did not halt the experiment (on) Daszak’s newly minted supergerm.

JJB: No, Daszak, as the Principal Investigator and Project Leader is responsible to tell the Chinese subcontractors to stop. He did not. Shi was the subordinate. It was the US that was paying China.

Page(s) 297; 2018; RFKJ: When scientists at the Wuhan lab conducted experiments in 2018, to their feigned surprise, Daszak’s tiny Frankensteins grew in human lung cells – not 10 times, but 10,000 times faster than the natural virus.

JJB: Feigned surprise? This phrase is not even mentioned in the Intercept article. This is gross propagandizing on the part of RFKJ (https://theintercept.com/2021/09/09/covid-origins-gain-of-function-research/).

Page(s) 295; 2016; RFKJ: Greer and Stemmy NIH grant reviewers) no doubt realized that Daszak’s claim was embarrassingly transparent doubletalk. Daszak’s mendacious dodges and outright fabrications could not have survived even minimal scrutiny by competent NIH staffers like Greer and Stemmy. We can therefore presume that Daszak was able to apply political pressure to neutralize skeptical NIH staffers. Emails show that on July 7, 2018, despite their prior strong expressed reservations, Greer and Stemmy greenlighted Daszak’s sketchy experiments. Eric Stemmy subsequently received an upward promotion to Anthony Fauci’s staff, and Jenny Greer is now chief grants management officer and the chief of the Grants Management Branch at NIEHS.

JJB: Given that Daszak was working for the CIA, the latter knows how to apply political pressure. Nonetheless, what a pitiful statement that one can allow crimes against humanity to be approved, yet you get promoted up and up.

Page(s) 297; RFKJ: With NIH’s technical assistance and money, the Chinese had created a bioweapons agent of monumental risk.

JJB: WIV is only mentioned three times and Dr. Shi only once in the 17-page Congressional letter to NIH Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak, DDS (https://d1dth6e84htgma.cloudfront.net/legacy/uploads/2022/04/4.25.22-Letter-to-Dr.-Lawrence-Tabak-2.pdf and https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/03/the-virus-hunting-nonprofit-at-the-center-of-the-lab-leak-controversy). Again, Daszak was the teacher, the Principal Investigator and Project Leader. The Chinese were the students and getting paid by Fauci and NIH to learn.

Page(s) 300; Chapter 45: The Lab Rats Run for Cover; Dr. Richard Ebright, PhD: The NIH – specifically, Collins, Fauci and Tabak – lied to Congress, lied to the press and lied to the public. Knowingly. Willfully. Brazenly.

JJB: War criminals all, no consequences, all still American success stories.

Page(s) 300-301; 19 August 2022-May 2023; JJB: NIH suspended sub-awards to WIV. NIH reinstated its funding to EcoHealth in May 2023.  What difference does it make? Daszak has already been caught not informing NIH about subgrants to the Chinese. Fauci and Collins kept throwing weaponization money to Daszak and this US money kept flowing east.

Contact PI (Principal Investigator)/Project Leader: Daszak, Peter.

Awardee Organization: EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.


Page(s) 300; 2021-2022; RFKJ: Collins officially left his NIH post on December 19, 2021. Eight weeks later, on February 16, 2022, President Joe Biden announced that he was bringing Collins back into the government as science advisor to the president and co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

JJB: In the West, war criminals get promoted and promoted.

Page(s) 302; Chapter 46: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice; RFKJ: Shi Zhengli – who also seemed to have bewitched Daszak.

JJB: Given all the evidence, it seems this description should be reversed. Shi’s lab was a hired gun.

Page(s) 302; 2016-2017; A study. RFKJ: NIH illegally green-lighted this study without informing the P3CO committee, as the law required.

JJB: Shi Zhengli is the lead researcher, using Baric’s reverse genetics technology, Daszak’s hands-on help and NIH money to pay for it all. It is SARS-CoV weaponization.

Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus WIV1 Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved in Modulation of the Host Immune Response 


Authors: Lei-Ping Zeng 1, Yu-Tao Gao 1, Xing-Yi Ge 1, Qian Zhang 1, Cheng Peng 1, Xing-Lou Yang 1, Bing Tan 1, Jing Chen 1, Aleksei A Chmura 2, Peter Daszak 2, Zheng-Li Shi 3

Author information: 1Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. 2EcoHealth Alliance, New York, New York, USA. 3Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

Page(s) 306; 2019; RFKJ: The NIH pumped so much money into Wuhan that, by December 2019, “The WIV had published over 65% of all coronavirus scientific papers in the world”, according to Dr. Steven Quay.

JJB: All programmed and financed by Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins at NIH, laundered through EcoHealth Alliance, with hands-on support by Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak. This does not include US government funding to WIV by DOD, DARPA, USAID, DTRA, USDA, DOC, DHS, HHS, NSF and DOI. See page 148 for pie chart.

Page(s) 306; Dr. Jeffrey Sachs: NIH has done everything to keep it hidden from view.

JJB: Crimes against humanity perpetrated by war criminals.

Page(s) 308; 2018; Chapter 47: Daszak Unhinged: The DEFUSE Proposal; JJB: Peter Daszak proposes a bioweapon project to DARPA called “DEFUSE”. DARPA’s decision is negative and emphatic: “Major failure on all accounts” (https://drasticresearch.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/main-document-preempt-volume-1-no-ess-hr00118s0017-ecohealth-alliance.pdf and https://downloads.vanityfair.com/ecohealth-alliance/darpa-proposal-staff-minutes-revised.jpg and https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/).

DARPA turned it down, so you know how beyond-the-pale was Daszak’s Dr. Demento proposal.

Page(s) 308; ND; RFK: genetic engineering techniques pioneered by Baric and Shi.

JJB: …and Shi? Not true. Shi simply followed Baric’s instructions and copycatted them. She did nothing “pioneering”. She was Baric’s and Daszak’s student from the get-go and Fauci paid them to teach her.

Page(s) 309; 2018; JJB: In the DEFUSE proposal, Daszak wants to weaponize SARS with a special “furin cleavage site”, which is what makes SARS-CoV-2 more infectious than its ancestors.

RFKJ: In fact, since 1992, at least 14 publications have described adding a furin cleavage site to a virus that did not have one, including a study from WIV. 14 out of 14 times it makes the viruses nastier.

Page(s) 309; 2021; JJB: As examples, I found two of the 14 furin cleavage studies below. Both studies above offer a cautionary tale: just because someone may have a Chinese name does not mean they are from China.

1-The Emergence of the Spike Furin Cleavage Site in SARS-CoV-2


Authors: Yujia Alina Chan1 and Shing Hei Zhan2

Author information: 1 Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2 Department of Zoology & Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Yujia Alina Chan, Shing Hei Zhan contributed equally to this work.

Page(s) 309; 2020;

2-Furin Cleavage Site Is Key to SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis     


Authors: Bryan A Johnson 1, Xuping Xie 2, Birte Kalveram 3, Kumari G Lokugamage 1, Antonio Muruato 1, Jing Zou 2, Xianwen Zhang 2, Terry Juelich 3, Jennifer K Smith 3, Lihong Zhang 3, Nathen Bopp 3, Craig Schindewolf 1, Michelle Vu 1, Abigail Vanderheiden 4 5 6, Daniele Swetnam 2, Jessica A Plante 1, Patricia Aguilar 3, Kenneth S Plante 1, Benhur Lee 7, Scott C Weaver 1 8, Mehul S Suthar 4 5 6, Andrew L Routh 2, Ping Ren 3, Zhiqiang Ku 9, Zhiqiang An 9, Kari Debbink 10, Pei Yong Shi 2 8, Alexander N Freiberg 3 8, Vineet D Menachery 1 8

Author information: 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. 3Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. 4Department of Pediatrics, Emory Vaccine Center, Atlanta, GA, USA. 5Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA. 6Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Atlanta, GA, USA. 7Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 8Department of Institute for Human Infection and Immunity, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. 9Texas Therapeutics Institute, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, USA. 10Bowie State University, Bowie, MD, USA.

Page(s) 309; 02 May 2023; JJB: of the 14 furin cleavage site papers, the Chinese one appears to have been published in 2023, later than the non-Chinese ones, two as reference above. www.virosin.org is China’s scientific paper and study publication platform for virology, just like NIH’s PubMed so often resourced in this book review.

A novel bat coronavirus with a polybasic furin-like cleavage site (virosin.org)


Page(s) 311; 2019; RFKJ: …it’s quite possible that the (EcoHealth Alliance) proposal did result in the ultimate creation of COVID-19 by the Chinese.

JJB: that’s not possible, since COVID-19 was already in Spain in no later than March 2019 and in Italy at least as early as September 2019. See Page(s) 160; July 2019, the last entry in the timeline provided.

Page(s) 311; 2018-2019; RFKJ: …and during the 18 months preceding the advent of COVID-19, Shi intensified her work weaponizing the coronavirus with exclusively Chinese funding.

JJB: The Vanity Fair article is cited for this claim. I could find no text or reference supporting it (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/03/the-virus-hunting-nonprofit-at-the-center-of-the-lab-leak-controversy).

Page(s) 313; ND; Chapter 48: Inoculating Wild Bats; RFKJ: Daszak may have felt that his (DEFUSE) proposal offered US military strategists the irresistible allure of a plan using Chinese bat colonies to mount a stealth attack from within China, with plausible deniability.

JJB: That’s exactly what happened. To wit – the World Military Games in Wuhan (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/04/02/godfree-roberts-shares-his-sars-cov-2-timeline-there-is-a-99-chance-it-should-be-called-the-yankee-coronavirus-china-rising-radio-sinoland-200402/).

Page(s) 316-317; 2002-present; Chapter 49: Baric’s “No-See-Um” Method: Hiding the Human Fingerprints on Lab-Generated Pandemics; RFKJ: As early as 2002, aided by some $220.5 million in NIAID funding, Ralph Baric developed a “seamless litigation” technique, which he boasted could perfectly conceal all evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created viruses. He called it his “no-see-um method”. Bret Weinstein: These techniques are evidence of premeditation of a molecular cover up for a viral leak, or worse. The only rationale is to wipe the lab’s fingerprints from the pathogens created there. If your objective was to protect public, you would highlight molecular changes with molecular red flags so you could track their spread within your experiment. Which would, of course, also allow you to discover your error and act quickly. If an escape from the lab were to occur, you wouldn’t hide them. The only reason you would develop the ability to obscure your work is if you had a sinister purpose, such as illegal bioweapons development. Or if you knew the danger of a lab leak was so high and your concern for the public was so low, that preparing for a cover up was a reasonable investment.

JJB: Why did Baric teach this method to the WIV? To hide what he and Daszak were doing there.

Page(s) 319; 2022; A Study,

Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2   


Authors: Valentin Bruttel (Germany), Alex Washburne (USA), Antonius VanDongen (USA)

JJB: This study shows that apparently, unbeknownst to Baric, the seamless ligation concealment gimmick does indeed leave its own minute but legible signature.

RFKJ: Furthermore, these same researchers discovered damning signature in the SARS CoV-2 genome. The authors of the study, a team of researchers from Duke University, University Clinics of Wurzberg and an industry group, identified a characteristic signature in the amino acid code, an indelible artifact that could only have emerged from Baric’s no-see-um methodology. By identifying the possible fingerprint of Baric’s methodology, the BioRxiv study connects the biological breadcrumbs that link Baric’s federally funded research to the global pandemic.

Page(s) 320; ND; RFKJ: In sharing his seamless ligation technique with Shi Zhengli, Baric assured that the WIV possessed all the required elements of the assembly process. EcoHealth Alliance’s infamous DEFUSE proposal, submitted to DARPA in 2018, describes the same techniques in detail. Baric is Fauci’s favorite gain-of-function scientist. Dr. Fauci’s federal grants have made Baric a global kingpin of gain-of-function science. Baric and his UNC lab have been awarded over 186 NIAID grants, approaching of a quarter of a billion dollars, resulting in hundreds of papers published in medical journals. In conformance with standard practice, it is probable that UNC pockets one quarter to one half of NIH’s financial felicities to Baric for, “administrative costs”. UNC’s role in enabling the questionable conduct may have precipitated a global pandemic that could well give rise to liability for negligence.

JJB: Give rise to liability for negligence? Or better yet Nuremberg 2.0? Why did Baric teach this method to the WIV? To hide what he and Daszak were doing there.

Page(s) 321; ND; Chapter 50: Wrapped around My Finger: The Chinse Master Dr. Fauci’s Alchemies; JJB: Are Fauci, Daszak and Baric wrapped around Chinese fingers, or those of the CIA and DOD? Which side has been the driver and financier of bioweapon development and use since 1945? Which country has been the victim of the most bio-chemical attacks since 1937?

Page(s) 326; ND; Chapter 51: Fauci Surely Knew the Wuhan Lab Was a Disaster from Which His Tiny Monsters Were Bound to Escape;  JJB: The referenced timeline (Page(s) 160; July 2019) shows that COVID-19 was already in Spain in March 2019 and in Italy in September 2019 and highly likely around Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA in the spring and summer of 2019 (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/04/02/godfree-roberts-shares-his-sars-cov-2-timeline-there-is-a-99-chance-it-should-be-called-the-yankee-coronavirus-china-rising-radio-sinoland-200402/ and https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-circulating-in-italy-as-early-as-september-2019-scientists-claim-12133825).

Page(s) 326; 2021; RFKJ: An August 2021 congressional investigation would describe the Wuhan BSL-2 lab’s safeguards as “similar to a dentist’s office…”

JJB: given the shocking decades of leaks across the USA described in Chapter 27 above, this is truly the pot calling the kettle black.

Page(s) 326; ND; RFKJ: It’s important to make clear that neither this book nor its author intend to portray the motives or actions of the chinese government as distinctly sinister. In my opinion, the actions of the Chinese government in building their bioweapons program on the back of US research were predictable acts of rational self-interest. China, perhaps more than any other nation, has suffered the devastation of biological attacks on its territories and people. So, it’s natural that the government would remain vigilant towards this threat and aspire to master the relevant science. Furthermore, the Chinese, like the rest of the world, have long urged the enforceable provisions be added to the bioweapons treaty. The US alone has resisted these pleas and has put enormous resources into secretly and illegally developing its bioweapon arsenal. China’s neighbor and traditional rival, Russia has, second only to the US developed a formidable bioweapons capacity, giving China additional reasons for investing in research or bioweapons and countermeasures. Finally, the Chinese strategy of encouraging the US to hand over its proprietary bioweapons technology is, of course, rational. The malfactors here are the US government officials who have impeded bioweapon controls and then knowingly shared our technologies with China.

JJB: I could not have said it better myself!

Page(s) 335; 2019; Chapter 52: The Chinese Launch the Global Cover-Up; RFKJ: Shi Zhengli’s research assistant Ben Hu and their fellow Wuhan scientists were hospitalized with COVID symptoms in Wuhan in November 2019. These three are probably the true “patient zero”. Congressional investigators believe that one or more lab technicians became accidentally infected in August, and they then traveled by subway, spreading the disease across Wuhan and abroad.

JJB: This makes no sense. How can Ben Hu and company be “patient zero” in November 2019, yet other fellow lab technicians spread it all over Wuhan in August, three months earlier? Given that it is already proven COVID-19 was in the West before the outbreak in Wuhan, it is much more likely that the CIA, DOD, Fauci, Daszak and Baric were pushing WIV to obfuscate, to cover Western asses all the way back to 1945. The US was the leader and financier of all this devilry. China was the subordinate student.

Page(s) 344; Chapter 53: Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak work with China to fool the world; JJB: given that it is already proven COVID-19 was in the West before the outbreak in Wuhan, it is much more likely that the CIA, DOD, Fauci, Daszak and Baric were pushing WIV to obfuscate, to cover Western asses all the way back to 1945. The US was the leader and financier of all this devilry. China was the subordinate student.

Page(s) 345; 2019; RFKJ: The Chinese accused Washington of cultivating the COVID-19 bioweapon at Fort Detrick and then planting it in China during the October 2019 Military Games.

JJB: The results of the Games strongly suggest that the US team were not athletes, as traditional top-place competitors (Russia, China, Europe, etc.) fared as expected. Only the USA dropped to 35th place, below Tunisia, Namibia and Bulgaria. The USA got zero gold medals! They were the laughingstock of Chinese social media, being called “soy sauce soldiers”. Their hotel, the Oriental Mandarin is only 300 meters from the famed “ground zero” wet market. More likely, they were mostly bioweapon field technicians  (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/04/02/godfree-roberts-shares-his-sars-cov-2-timeline-there-is-a-99-chance-it-should-be-called-the-yankee-coronavirus-china-rising-radio-sinoland-200402/ and https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2023/02/12/rogue-news-hosts-jeff-j-brown-to-discuss-all-about-the-real-china-transcript-and-podcast-china-rising-radio-sinoland-230212/ and https://web.archive.org/web/20200312031439/https://www.globalresearch.ca/china-coronavirus-shocking-update/5705196 and https://web.archive.org/web/20200312031319/https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-further-evidence-virus-originated-us/5706078).

Page(s) 355; ND; Chapter 54: Sir Jeremy Farrar: Mastermind of the COVID Cover-Up; JJB: You can say that again! Farrar is another bioweapon CIA/MI6 asset.

Page(s) 376; ND; Chapter 56: Farrar, Money Magician. JJB: You can say that again! Farrar is another bioweapon CIA/MI6 asset.

Page(s) 381; 2005-2006; Chapter 57: World Economic Forum; RFKJ: As a U. S. Department of Homeland Security official in the neocon dominated White House Bush White House, Hatchett was the principal author of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza implementation Plan in 2005-2006, which advocated a militarized, authoritarian and approach to pandemic management. Hatchett prescribed a future in which governments would impose painful lockdowns on their citizens. The only available path of escape would be accepting injections with a hastily and inadequately tested, zero liability vaccine. His plan included compulsory masking, social distancing, and draconian lockdowns that the government would enforce until a vaccine was available. Under such a torrent, a terrorist-stricken public would presumably be happy to purchase back their freedoms by accepting an experimental vaccine.

JJB: the West did not adopt China’s Covid lockdown system. China and the world adopted all of it from the United States, whereupon it was pushed by the WHO, WEF and national governments around the world (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/planning-preparedness/national-strategy-planning.html).

Page(s) 390; ND; RFKJ: the warm welcome by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the many big tech, big bank, big data, and industry titans who want to cozy up to China for access to its vast markets has drawn CCP officials in droves to the WEF winter retreat in Davos since its inception. While the World Economic Forum always holds its winter meeting in Davos, WEF’s lesser-known new champions summer meeting convenes many of the same billionaires, politicians, academics, and media elites at the chinese cities Tianjin and Dalian. As close ties between China and the Davos elites became an awkward embarrassment, critics charged that the WEF had made itself the launch pad for the odd alliance to realize globalist plans for absolute control of mankind. WEF removed its 2021 summer Chinese conclave page from its website.

JJB: This surprised me, but on more thought, it seems to me that the WEF hopes to co-opt China. Many have tried to co-opt Baba Beijing over the decades, including the Rockefellers, Western governments etc. They have all failed. “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” –  Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-annual-summer-wef-meeting and https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202108/1230523.shtml). China is not hermit kingdom North Korea. Baba Beijing would be committing gross negligence if did not encourage its national companies to get in the WEF mosh pit and report back.

WEF is mostly funded by multi-national corporations (https://www.weforum.org/communities/forum-members/). The complete list is not found on the web, but Palantir Technologies, PayPal, Pinterest, Royal DSM and Huawei are mentioned. Here is a partial list from 2015, which has a number of Chinese companies (https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGC_Members.pdf). As of January 2016, the community of Forum Members comprises more than 390 firms from over 60 countries.

Page(s) 392; ND; Chapter 58: Covering Up the Lab Generation: A Joint Enterprise; Sir Richard Dearlove, former director of MI6: What concerns me and what worries me is the extent to which the West went along with this.

JJB: this is classic psyops and psychological deflection away from the CIA/MI6 and onto China. All the evidence shows that China is following the lead of the CIA/DOD/NIH/EchoHealth cabal and all their subsidiary units. China has always been a student and subordinate of the West in bioweapons and still is.

Page(s) 394; ND; Professor Madhav Nalpat: What is even more disgusting is the cover-up. Any scientist who spoke up was strictly warned that his career would be destroyed should he speak against Dr. Fauci.

JJB: But everybody in the world can pile on Shi Zhengli and the WIV.

Page(s) 394; ND; Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Pandey: Science is the new medieval church. Those who are popes of it censor at their will.

JJB: This, after a Western research journal pulled their paper, proving that SARS-CoV-2 is manmade. Is is included in the Bioweapon Truth Commission Global Online Library (https://lanbro-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/jeff_brownlanglois_com/EbqRah7M7iVMvhU4Ew1Fc6QBXkYQ4o5NBSNpDrNGKMPwSQ?e=Jmj1Ar).

Page(s) 398; 2020; Chapter 59: The February 1 Tele-Conspiracy; RKFJ: China’s culture of secrecy…

JJB: this is the Western pot calling the Chinese kettle black.

Page(s) 402; RFKJ: Paul Thacker told me, “What science writers do today has nothing to do with science. It’s stenography and propaganda”.

JJB: Thacker was talking about Western science writers, even commenting about a colleague.

Page(s) 402; ND; RFKJ: Dr. Fauci and the other high priests of the public health agencies promoted the China-crafted narrative.

JJB: Based on all the available evidence presented in this book review, this is flipping reality on its head. It was Daszak who was using the Chinese and hiding under their skirts, along with Fauci and Baric. It is Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust who has to use burner phones to do his bioweapon communication.

Page(s) 418; ND; Chapter 61: The Lancet Letter (February 19, 2020). RFKJ: Daszak’s Chinese overlords…

JJB: Based on all the available evidence presented in this book review, this is flipping reality on its head. It was Daszak who was using the Chinese and hiding under their skirts, along with Fauci and Baric. It is Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust who has to use burner phones to do his bioweapon communication.

Page(s) 419; ND; RFKJ: Dr. Fauci was front and center of this treacherous conspiracy.

JJB: True, along with Daszak, Baric, Collins and Farrar, all CIA/DOD assets, all war criminals who deserve Nurenberg 2.0.

Page(s) 423; ND; RFKJ: …Daszak and his Chinese handlers, in one of the most consequential crimes in human history.

JJB: Based on all the available evidence presented in this book review, this is flipping reality on its head. It was Daszak who was using the Chinese and hiding under their skirts, along with Fauci and Baric. It is Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust who has to use burner phones to do his bioweapon communication.

Page(s) 428; ND; RFKJ: Throughout the pandemic, Horton remained China’s tireless apologist.

JJB: Horton was carrying CIA/DOD’s water. Based on all the available evidence presented in this book review, this is flipping reality on its head. It was Daszak who was using the Chinese and hiding under their skirts, along with Fauci and Baric. It is Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust who has to use burner phones to do his bioweapon communication.

Page(s) 429; ND; Chapter 62: Gates at Outset; RFKJ: Controlling the WHO: As I show in The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates – by providing one-fifth of its annual budget – has systematically achieved control of the WHO, transforming it into the fulcrum of a Pandemic Preparedness and Response agenda, and a champion of draconian controls like lockdowns, masks, social distancing, social credit scores, intrusive surveillance, digital currency, and vaccine passports. Such initiatives tend to magnify the wealth and power of the pharmaceutical companies that provide much of WHO’s remaining non-governmental contributions. Gates’s control of WHO, CEPI, and Gavi allowed him to hijack the global response.

JJB: Bill Gates is one of the most powerful actors on the world stage and needs to join the other Westerners at Nurenberg 2.0.

Page(s) 439; ND; Chapter 63: Pivot to Permanent Preparedness for a Pipeline of Pandemics; RFKJ: This project (the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response agenda) ignores the WHO’s cataclysmic mishandling of COVID-19 response and a demonstrated incompetency that exposed its politicization as a vassal of China, Big Pharma and the WEF global elite.

JJB: Now let me see if I’ve got this straight. In the previous chapter, RFKJ said that Bill Gates, along with the Wellcome Trust, CEPI and Gavi, controls the World Health Organization.

Now, it’s a vassal of China? Here are some facts about China’s limited role in the WHO,


Page(s) 430; RFKJ: The “Golden Rule” holds true: Whoever has the gold makes the rules”.

JJB: WHO funding is 20% from member countries, based on GDP, called Assessed Contributions. Therefore, China is the second biggest member contributor after the USA, then in descending GDP, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Brazil, etc (assessed-contributions-overview-for-all-member-states-as-at-31-december-2021.pdf (who.int).

In the report above, China contributed in US$28,719,905 out of a total Assessed Contributions = $246,763,095, or 11.6%. However, this is only 20% of the total WHO budget, so China’s total contributions to WHO are only 2.3%.

The other 80% are Voluntary Contributions. They presumably come from foundations, trusts, corporations, NGOs, etc (https://www.statista.com/chart/21372/assessed-contributions-to-the-world-health-organization/).

WHO Core Voluntary Contributions 2022 by country, in descending order: United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, France, Ireland. China makes no Core Voluntary Contributions (https://www.who.int/about/funding/).

Even still, these Core Voluntary Contributions only make up 4.1% of the total WHO budget, the remaining given by foundations, trusts, corporations, NGOs, etc., such as Gates, Wellcome Trust, CEPI and Gavi.

RFKJ: Wellcome, the Gates Foundation and Gavi collectively donated (to WHO) $1.4 billion, including $170 million specifically for COVID-related programs since 2020.

JJB: WHO Executive Board members: China is one 34 countries geographically distributed around the world for equal representation on the board (https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/composition-of-the-board_en.html).

WHO Chair and Officers of the Executive Board: China has no officers of the WHO Executive Board (https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/chair-and-officers-of-the-executive-board_en.html).

JJB: Other than its mandated country Assessed Contributions, China is not a significant influence in WHO. It is clear that Gates, Wellcome Trust, CEPI, Gavi, and WEF drive the World Health Organization, it programs and initiatives.


RFKJ: Gavi (the vaccine alliance), is itself a significant WHO donor…

JJB: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, was founded in 2000 by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the WHO, UNICEF and the World bank with the aim of immunizing 300 million children worldwide with routine vaccines.

2000-2025, China will have contributed $120 million to Gavi, out of USD21.598 billion global total. This equals 0.55% of the total (https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gavi.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Finvesting%2Ffunding%2Fdonor-contributions-pledges%2FContributions-Proceeds-to-Gavi-31-Dec-2023.xlsx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK).

China has no member in GAVI’s Secretariat (https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavi-secretariat).

China has next to zero influence in Gavi.


RFKJ: In 2017, Jeremy Farrar, President of the Wellcome Foundation, co-founded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, CEPI, with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and the World Economic Forum (WEF), as a mechanism for promoting and funding epidemic vaccines.

It’s worth repeating that Gates was heavily invested in the pharmaceutical companies that benefited from the rise in “Pandemic Preparedness and Response”, that his quasi-governmental organizations, including CEPI, advocated. Gates, whose investment strategy is often referred to as “philanthrocapitalism”, boasts that his vaccine enterprise is the best investment I’ve ever made, with his $10 billion investment yielding “$200 billion in social and economic benefits”.

JJB: George Gao, head of China’s CDC is the only Chinese member of CEPI’s Scientific Advisory Committee (https://cepi.net/Scientific-Advisory-Committee).

China has no leadership role in CEPI (https://cepi.net/cepi-leadership).

China has no CEPI board members (https://cepi.net/cepi-board).

China has no members in CEPI’s Joint Coordination Group (https://cepi.net/cepi-joint-coordination-group).

CEPI full list of investors PDF is blocked (https://cms.cepi.net/sites/default/files/2024-03/2024_03_18%20%20CEPI%20-%20Investors%20Overview.pdf), and I could find no references in the Wayback Machine. I wonder why?

One Chinese on CEPI’s Scientific Advisory Committee and dominated by Gates, Wellcome Trust and WEF?

In sum, China has very little presence in CEPI.

My closing comments and observations

I again congratulate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for putting this book together. It is a monument to fine research, investigation and thorough contextualization.

I learned so much. It was not just Big Pharma and DOD, but the CIA was on board the BW train from day one and running the show. Operation Paperclip morphed into DARPA. The US’s BW-CW attacks on American citizens and allies are magnitudes more than I could previously show. Using UV light and radiation, the US was already weaponizing germs in the 1960s and doing reverse genetic engineering in the early 1980s, including coronaviruses. COVID-19 has been in the pipeline for a very long time (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2021/09/07/we-made-sars-and-we-patented-it-on-19-4-2002-before-there-was-any-alleged-outbreak-in-asia-david-e-martin-testifies-at-the-german-corona-inquiry-committee-july-9th-2021-avtran/).

The total psychopathy of actors like Anthony Fauci (NIAID), Frances Collins (NIH), Ralph Baric (UNC), Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance) and Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome Trust) has caused the death, illness and handicapping of millions of innocent people around the world, ongoing. I knew Bill Gates was a malevolent force on the international scene, but did not know how much he controls the World Health Organization, CEPI and Gavi. I also learned that Jeremy Farrar and the Wellcome Trust are the British doppelgangers of Bill Gates and his billion-dollar foundation, and equally as evil and genocidal.

These war criminals and their many acolytes across the West should be tried and hanged in Nuremberg 2.0.

BW labs in the USA, and we can assume elsewhere, have leaks on an almost daily basis. How many people get sick or die and we are not even aware of it? How many leaks are intentional, for testing purposes? The West has no qualms about using their citizens as unaware lab rats and guinea pigs.

I am shocked how mainstream and encouraged bioweapon research is in leading universities and institutions around the world. It’s banal that a Nobel Prize winner weaponizes germs. Research journals are full of thousands of studies that are blatant recipes to wipe out the human race, livestock and poultry, and apparently that is A-OK.

I will nevermore believe anything that science journalism and research journals print. They have become completely prostituted to Big Pharma and CIA/DOD. The Chinese, seeing how the West does this, and to have a place at the research table, has now joined in the pay-for-publishing corruption. Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

There are no consequences, no punishment, no shame for the West’s BW-vaccine criminals against humanity. Led by the USA, the West has over 300 germ warfare labs on every continent, except Antarctica and thousands more back home, one not far from where you live. It compromises and corrupts governments around the world, because everybody wants to have inside access, in hopes of protecting themselves.

China is no different. As the most BW-CW attacked country in the 20th-21stcentury, they hitched their wagon to the Western BW train, after the US’s SARS attack on China in 2003. Ralph Baric, Dr. COVIDmaker himself was already reaching out to the Chinese, having just perfected his now infamous reverse genetic engineering, i.e., weaponization of coronaviruses. In 2008, Fauci, Baric and Daszak started pouring BW research money and knowhow into China, and the Chinese, desperate to have inside access to their attackers’ technology, along with international virology respectability, were happy to be students.

It would be like the USA paying Chinese scientists in the 1950s to work and learn how to make the atom bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Of course we accept! Until 2012, the question must be asked, why did Fauci, Baric and Daszak commit treason against the West? Was the CIA already calling the shots and demanding in-country access to spy on the Chinese?

Because that is what happened in 2012, when the CIA’s spy network in China got wiped out. At this point, for sure the CIA was pushing their asset, Peter Daszak to spare no time and expense to be in China, gathering intelligence on China’s progress in bioweapons, all taught to them by Daszak and Baric, paid for by Fauci. While Daszak is surely CIA, Baric seems to be beholden to the US military. Ditto Fauci, as NIH is controlled by the Pentagon.

RFK, Jr. makes a good case that COVID-19 was released by the Wuhan Institute for Virology (WIV), in the autumn of 2019. However, Baba Beijing’s original charge that it was released by the 300+ US soldiers attending the World Military Games (WMG) there is, chronology-wise, a more plausible story. In any case, Spain announced that it had found COVID-19 in-country no later than March, 2019, six months before the WMG (https://web.ub.edu/en/web/actualitat/w/sars-cov-2-detected-in-waste-waters-in-barcelona-on-march-12-2019), and was detecting unusual respiratory ailments a year before that. More evidence of respiratory illnesses and deaths right around Fort Detrick in the spring and summer of 2019 is also extremely suspicious, especially since the CDC took the dramatic step of shutting down Fort Detrick’s BW work that summer, for unacceptable handling of germs.

Thus, we have two possible leaks, WIV and Fort Detrick, with confirmations in Spain and Italy, well before the world-infamous outbreak in Wuhan in November 2019.

RFK, Jr. goes to great lengths to blame China for the cover-up of COVID-19’s origins. My careful review of the evidence provided in his book clearly shows that Western actors were the leaders and teachers. The Chinese were subordinate followers and students. It was Western actors who reached out to the Chinese and eagerly gave them all the secrets of BW dark arts, only getting some bat genomes and desperate CIA espionage access inside China in return.

Do you honestly think the Chinese did not know what was going on? Of course, they knew and under the circumstances, they had no choice but to follow CIA’s Avril Haines, along with Wellcome’s Jeremy Farrar & Co. in all the public obfuscation, ongoing today.

I did find one glaring bad source that is a key accusation in the book,

Page(s) 193; 2015; JJB: The Australian article quotes from this Chinese book, sourced by the US Department of State (DOS), “…the herald of promising new era of genetic weapons”. RFKJ suggests this is proof the Chinese are hellbent on creating and using offensive bioweapons.

However, in the downloaded Archive.org book (link above), it does not say this. It says, “Ten million people to save lives, save countless wealth, can create a new era in the prevention and control of infectious diseases”!

Not the same thing. Given that the source is the DOS, it is common psyops to “translate” texts to fit the propaganda; given that Archive.org stands to be much less ideological and more accurate, I’d say the Archive.org book is very likely correct, and the DOS claim is false. This seriously refutes Chapter 33’s main point.

This brings up a very important point, as shown here,

Page(s) 74-76; 1972-present; Chapter 13: Evading Geneva and the Bioweapons Charter; JJB: The United States immediately moved all of its BW development underground and hid it under the rubric of public health, vaccines and doublespeak moniker of “biodefense” (sic). Thus, the USSR followed the American lead. The Chinese joined the club after the Western BW SARS attack in 2003.

Yet, there is a clear difference between the USA versus USSR/Russia and China. The latter two have been repeatedly attacked with BW and chemical weapons (CW) by the prior, since 1945. There is no evidence that the latter have used their BW programs for offensive warfare. America has hundreds of BW development labs on every continent except Antarctica and surrounds these two rivals with them. Russia and China have no BW labs outside their boundaries.

Russia and China are proof that countries can develop BW-CW to know what to expect when attacked with germ warfare, but not use them on others. The USA and its vassals have been and continue to use BW and CW on their own citizens and all of their perceived enemies across the planet.

There is also an important omission,

Page(s) 267-272; 2016-2023; JJB: this is an excellent, up-to-date event timeline. However, it leaves out very important bioweapon attacks in China. Coincidence or not, right after Trump got into the White House in 2016, China was hit with a string of avian flu and swine fever epidemics that defied all norms of epidemiological spread. Over the next two years, through 2019, much of the country’s poultry flocks and pig herds were wiped out, the world’s largest. I covered this at the time (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/07/23/its-getting-uglier-by-the-day-a-timeline-of-euranglolands-recent-causus-belli-against-china-western-capitalism-is-declaring-war-on-communist-socialist-china-because-it-cannot/ and https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/02/04/transcript-is-wuhan-coronavirus-a-hit-job-this-is-a-whodunit-not-to-miss-uriah-heep-our-expert-sherlock-holmes-solves-the-case/).

This helps explain China’s 24/7 vigilance against BW attacks, starting in 1937 with the Japanese.

Kennedy seems to have his own pangs of doubt about the book’s thrust,

Page(s) 326; ND; RFKJ: It’s important to make clear that neither this book nor its author intend to portray the motives or actions of the Chinese government as distinctly sinister. In my opinion, the actions of the Chinese government in building their bioweapons program on the back of US research were predictable acts of rational self-interest. China, perhaps more than any other nation, has suffered the devastation of biological attacks on its territories and people. So, it’s natural that the government would remain vigilant towards this threat and aspire to master the relevant science. Furthermore, the Chinese, like the rest of the world, have long urged that enforceable provisions be added to the Bioweapons Treaty. The US alone has resisted these pleas and has put enormous resources into secretly and illegally developing its bioweapon arsenal. China’s neighbor and traditional rival, Russia has, second only to the US developed a formidable bioweapons capacity, giving China additional reasons for investing in research or bioweapons and countermeasures. Finally, the Chinese strategy of encouraging the US to hand over its proprietary bioweapons technology is, of course, rational. The malfactors here are the US government officials who have impeded bioweapon controls and then knowingly shared our technologies with China.

Was Kennedy’s book vetted and edited by the CIA/DOD? It would not be the first time, nor will it be the last, that books about intelligence and military need to be “verified” for publication approval. His frank admission above suggests he’s not entirely comfortable with the book’s finger pointing.

The CIA is in Kennedy’s life. RFK, Jr.’s presidential campaign manager is a former CIA spy, none other than his daughter-in-law, Amaryllis Fox (https://edwardcurtin.com/the-cia-does-soulful-work/). That’s closer than six degrees of separation. The CIA is like the Mafia. Once you are a part of the family, you can never leave.

That is why I am finishing this book review with the strong impression that “The Wuhan Cover-Up” is a CIA/DOD limited hangout. This means admitting the US’s extensive BW war crimes in an historical way, providing thousands of references to overwhelm readers, yet deftly deflecting all of it onto China. This starts with the book’s title and cover, looking like China’s flag, the stars replaced with coronaviruses, which is what 99% of them will see and remember, as well as the many role reversals in the text, turning it all around on the Chinese, when the evidence clearly shows that the Chinese were always the students and subordinate subcontractors.

The accurate title would be, “The CIA/DOD/Big Pharma Cover-Up”, but that is not how psyops works. While a fabulous BW research resource, with its thousands of references – which I will continue to consult for the Bioweapon Truth Commission’s Global Online Library – the CIA can chalk up this book as very successful Yellow Peril propaganda.

To this day, the Chinese continue to get blamed for the book’s subtitle, “The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race”. This, while Fauci, Baric and Daszak continue to make millions committing crimes against humanity, and hey – who has ever heard of the CIA, Pentagon and Big Pharma working together on bioweapons?

Are you joking? Everybody knows it’s the Kung FLU!


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JEFF J. BROWN, Senior Editor & China Correspondent,  Dispatch from Beijing

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China - The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising - Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and for Badak Merah, Jeff authored China Is Communist, Dammit! – Dawn of the Red Dynasty (2017).
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, jeff@brownlanglois.com, Facebook, Twitter and Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

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