Home AMERICAN BRAINWASH US gov’t stopped Tucker Carlson from interviewing Putin. Tucker Carlson says–Land of the “FREE.”

US gov’t stopped Tucker Carlson from interviewing Putin. Tucker Carlson says–Land of the “FREE.”

Emil Cosman & other correspondents. Cosman provides solid analysis of Western media complicity in the maintenance of huge international lies.

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We live under a regime of fake media diversity and vanishing free speech, with hundreds if not thousands of news channels in the "West" spouting the same narrative in slightly different ways.

Emil Cosman

Emil Cosman is a Romanian-born author and political affairs commentator and supporter of free speech. 




US government stopped me from interviewing Putin –
Tucker Carlson (RT.com)

The former Fox News host has questioned why ‘you’re not allowed to hear’ the Russian president’s voice. (Tucker, like many on the right calls the liberal/Democrat/ Woke imperialists, "the Left", thereby staining wittingly or unwittingly the real old left and most non-sectarian Marxist-Leninists.

The former Fox News host has questioned why
‘you’re not allowed to hear’ the Russian president’s voice


Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has alleged that unnamed figures in Washington obstructed his attempts to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, and the US government stopped me,” Carlson claimed in an interview with Swiss publication Die Weltwoche published on Thursday. He also explained that he felt let down by the lack of support for his situation that he says he received from US news media.

He said: “I don’t think there was anybody who said ‘wait a second. I may not like this guy but he has a right to interview anyone he wants, and we have a right to hear what Putin says’.” The 54-year-old added: “You’re not allowed to hear Putin’s voice. Because why? There was no vote on it. No one asked me.”

The often-controversial media personality didn’t elaborate on the circumstances under which he says there was government intrusion into his plans to interview Putin but it appeared to suggest that it was the current Biden administration which was behind the meddling. Carlson also didn’t mention when the interview with the Russian leader was supposed to take place.

“I’m an American citizen,” Carlson told Die Weltwoche. “I’m a much more loyal American than, say, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who didn’t even grow up in this country; she grew up in Canada. And they’re telling me what it is to be a loyal American?”

Carlson –previously Fox News’ biggest star– parted ways with the broadcaster in April shortly after the news network settled for $787.5 million a lawsuit with voting-machine company Dominion Voting Systems. Fox News had regularly discussed claims on some of its shows that Dominion’s machines were involved in ‘rigging’ the 2020 US presidential election.

Carlson’s show Tucker Carlson Tonight, during which he frequently discussed issues like gender, race, sexuality and ‘woke’ ideology, was specifically referenced in the Dominion lawsuit.

Since leaving Fox News, Carlson has broadcast abridged versions of his news show on X (formerly Twitter) which regularly draw tens of millions of views.

Meanwhile, Russia TV news channel Rossiya 24 has aired a teaser trailer for a weekend show it says is to be hosted by Carlson. The promo was first broadcast earlier this month and again on September 22 along with the words “at the weekend.” It adds that the “high-profile American presenter is moving to another level. Here.”

Rossiya 24 didn’t state when the show will debut or if it will be original content or translated versions of Carlson’s X broadcasts.


Tucker Carlson 'Tried to Interview' Putin But Biden Gov't 'Stopped' Him


There had been media speculation about Tucker Carlson wanting to conduct an interview with Vladimir Putin. Last month, Rossiya Segodnya media group editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said that the former Fox News host was asking for an interview with Russia's President, as she praised the American political commentator for “doing a great job.”

Officials in Washington obstructed Tucker Carlson’s attempt to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the former Fox News host. 

“I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, and the US government stopped me,” Carlson claimed in an interview with Swiss media.

While not clarifying who these officials were, the media personality went on to deplore the fact that no one “defended him” in the US news media.

I don’t think there was anybody who said ‘wait a second. I may not like this guy but he has a right to interview anyone he wants, and we have a right to hear what Putin says’… You’re not allowed to hear Putin’s voice. Because why? There was no vote on it. No one asked me,” said the 54-year-old former news anchor that Fox News parted ways with in April.

“I’m an American citizen… I’m a much more loyal American than, say, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who didn’t even grow up in this country; she grew up in Canada. And they’re telling me what it is to be a loyal American?” Carlson said.
Elsewhere in the interview for the Swiss publication, Tucker Carlson said he believed the world was changing much more quickly than most Americans understand.

“There is almost no coverage of the rest of the world in Western media… Americans don’t have a good sense of it. What we, in this country, refer to as the ‘Post-War Order’, all the institutions set up in the wake of World War II to keep the world peaceful and prosperous and the United States at the top of the pyramid, and that would include the dominance of the dollar, the SWIFT system, NATO, all of that appears to be crumbling, to me.”

Tucker Carlson went on to explain that he felt compelled to travel the world and see whether this was, indeed, the case, and his recent experiences have confirmed that it is.
Since leaving Fox News, Carlson has launched a new show called "Tucker on Twitter," a platform now called “X”, and has traveled extensively, just recently interviewing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during a trip to Hungary in August.

Carlson interviewing Hungary's PM Viktor Orban


Hungarian PM Orban to Tucker Carlson: Rumors About Ukraine Prevailing Over Russia ‘a Lie’

According to Carlson, the US news media is not trustworthy.
“There has been a very aggressive attempt, over a number of decades, on the part of the people who run the United States to control what is available on our news stations and in our newspapers. To control the news media,” he said.
As for why the people working for the news media go along with it, its because “they are terrified,” added the political commentator.
“They exist to hold the people in power accountable, and instead, they do exactly the opposite.”
Weighing in on the conflagration in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson underscored that, “this is potentially a nuclear conflict between superpowers”, adding:
“Shouldn’t we know all that we can? No!”
When visiting Hungary last month, the American writer and media personality had underscored that people in the US were “being lied to about what is actually happening there, saying, “It’s embarrassing to be from a place that has been lied to at scale and believed the lies so thoroughly.”

Putin during speech to Russia's federal assembly. (Feb 10, 2022)


Putin's Interviews With US Journalists: How Russian Leader Left West Speechless

As for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin that Tucker Carlson apparently sought to interview, he regularly gives interviews to foreign media outlets, including those in the US. The Russian leader is never at a loss for a response when faced with provocative questions asked by journalists. News anchors have since admitted that, it’s impossible to "outwit" the Russian head of state.


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Herman ItoldSo

I’ve been noticing Mr Colman’s posts for some time and even though at times I may not agree with him 100% (who can agree with anything these days 100%!), I’m awfully happy you are now showing regularly on your pages. This post is extremely important, and am sure many followers of Tucker will realise the. gravity of this censorship witchhunt before it turns off all the lights! The vassal EU, BTW, is way ahead in strangling free speech, led by France Germany and UK.

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