Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable
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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable
Scott Ritter Grounded??
Billy Bob
Streamed live on Jun 4, 2024
6/4/2024 Episode 84 of Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline with special guest Greg Rosen.
The panel discusses the government attempts to shut down Scott Ritter, and the rapidly spreading decomposition of even the last veneer of democracy (and Constitutional protections) in the US. Some panelists opine that Ritter may have facilitated the US persecution by becoming too visible a player in international politics and media, especially Russian affairs, by traveling with controversial figures (like Chechnya's leader R, Kadyrov), and by becoming too outspoken in his denunciation of US crimes. Other panelists think the US will find a pretext —or a law, like the Logan law—to put Ritter away or silenced him sufficiently to avoid damage to US policy and its supporting narrative. In the final analysis, as the Assange case shows, do not need to have any specific law to justify their actions. Ritter—while engaging in completely legal and Constitutionally protected acts—can be accused of just about anything, and the media will take care of running interference for the censors and inquisitors, as it normally does. The panel also comments on the stylistic appproaches of the two dominant wings of the ruling class: the brutal Neocons, who want to wage imperialist wars everywhere, and the "liberal" wing, that wishes to do the same, albeit behind more palatable covers, such as human rights, democracy and the rest of the old farce.
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