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The World Desk

The World Desk provides easy access to scores of articles focusing on issues of global importance. All our articles are chosen for their comprehensiveness and timeliness. They are all pieces of lasting interest. Keep in mind that new articles are posted continually, and that this selection may not  include all the materials our site carries on a given international topic. The reports and analyses are authored by our editors, and trusted correspondents, associate editors and contributing editors, as well as distinguished colleagues working to defeat the lethal disinformation gushing 24/7 from every corporate-controlled orifice.



Qusayr celebrates liberation from the rebels.

Western Emperors Have No Clothes

Just a simple question By Timothy Gatto Why were the 30,000 inhabitants of Qusayr obliged to hide in their homes ...
Obama: Key mouthpiece in the offensive to drown out critics of the national security state.

OpEds: Defend Edward Snowden!

By Barry Grey and David North, wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site and the Socialist Equality Party call on all workers, students and ...

Appalling ignorance: How many people have died as a result of the US invasion of Iraq?

'Limited But Persuasive' Evidence - Syria, Sarin, Libya, Lies By David Edwards, Media Lens Last month, a ComRes poll supported by Media ...
AP/Patrick Semansky Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is escorted out of a courthouse at Fort Meade, Md., on Wednesday after the third day of his court-martial.

The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning

By Chris Hedges FORT MEADE, Md.—The military trial of Bradley Manning is a judicial lynching. The government has effectively muzzled ...

Edward Snowden: Profile in Courage

Whistleblowing in the Name of the Constitution by CHRISTOPHER H. PYLE Edward Snowden may go down inhistory as one of ...

Turkish protests grow as Erdogan calls counter-demonstrations

By Alex Lantier, wsws.org Protests against the Islamist government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan grew over the weekend, ...


Spirited Rally Sends Solidarity to Turkey from the Boston Common by JOE RAMSEY Boston, Saturday, June 1—Braving temperatures well over ...
The Qusair victory has been a serious setback for the Washington-led coalition of interventionists in Syria's internal affairs.

Syria’s Qusair Victory Matters

by Stephen Lendman Qusair's strategically important. Western-backed death squads controlled it for over a year. On June 5, Syrian forces ...

Noam Chomsky: Are We on the Verge of Total Self-Destruction?

TomDispatch [1] / By Noam Chomsky [2]   To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from TomDispatch.com here [3] ...
Army in Al-Qusayr

US and Israel Lobby Reels from Hezbollah al-Qusayr Victory

Special— By Franklin Lamb •••• •••• Beirut -- Although al-Qusayr may not be the decisive battle for Syria, it is ...
Power: Perfectly in tune with our celebrity-obsessed times.

Samantha Power for UN Envoy

by Stephen Lendman [With comment on the media's response and the appointment of Susan Rice (see second story below)] Obama's ...
Syrian army soldiers hail the recent victory in Qusayr.

US threatens Iran, Hezbollah for backing Syria

By Chris Marsden, wsws.org The White House issued its most threatening statement yet yesterday, denouncing Iran and the Lebanese Shia ...



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