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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire



Strelkov: from swimming with Piranhas to swimming with Great White sharks

Strelkov: from swimming with Piranhas to swimming with Great White sharks

RUSSIA DESK: The Saker Reports Dateline: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2014 INTRODUCTION [T]he Strelkov press conference on Sept. 11 (2014) is, I believe, a historical moment because it marks the move of Strelkov from the Novorussian military struggle into the much larger, ...
Listening to Lavrov giving up on the West

Listening to Lavrov giving up on the West

THE RUSSIA DESK  |  A DISPATCH FROM THE SAKER The longstandting mendacity, bellicosity and sheer bad faith evidenced by Western politicians for generations has finally exhausted Russia's patience. It may be for the better.    [Y]esterday, I watched with interest a ...
Igor Strelkov directing operations in the field—a rare moment.

Igor Strelkov directing operations in the field—a rare moment.

Novorossiya's first defense commander in the field. Note that they are operating in the open, a sign that hostile aviation has been largely neutralized. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2Ii5x01Mg The Rebels' Leader Igor Strelkov Reports Live From The Battlefield ...
Amnesty International Fronts for Power

Amnesty International Fronts for Power

STEPHEN LENDMAN [I]t's an imperial tool. It fronts for power, wealth and privilege. It receives generous corporate foundation donations. According to Francis Boyle: "Amnesty International is primarily motivated not by human rights but by publicity. Second comes money. Third comes ...

Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17

It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile By Eric Zuesse |  Global Research, August 04, 2014 | Region: Russia and FSU | Theme: US NATO War Agenda  |  In-depth Report: UKRAINE REPORT [W]e’ll go considerably farther than has yet been revealed by the professional ...
Luhansk Not to Give Kiev Control of Border Areas with Russia

Luhansk Not to Give Kiev Control of Border Areas with Russia

Luhansk Not About to Lose Hard Won Strategic Advantages for the Sake of a Peace That May Not Last [T]he self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) in Ukraine’s southeast has no plans of handing control over the border area with Russia ...

1 comment

Tom Riviere December 25, 2022 - 4:51 am

If Vladimir Putin is described as a war criminal, thug, dictator, and modern-day Hitler, it is appropriate and indeed necessary to ask about American presidents. For brevity’s sake consider only those American presidents who served since 2001. U.S. invasions and interventions in western Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Horn of Africa have displaced more than 37 million people since the “war on terror” began. Why shouldn’t George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden be called war criminals too? Silence in the face of their criminality gives license and approval to U.S. aggression.


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