PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS—Most of the world sees this as “US gangsterism.” But no one does anything about it.John Wight asks: “Does anybody really think that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams care one bit about the welfare of the Venezuelan people? These are thugs in tailored suits whose views are far closer to Al Capone than to Thomas Jefferson.” Maduro’s failure to arrest Juan Guaido, the puppet chosen by Washington to be the Empire’s front man in Venezuela, might spell the end of Venezuelan democracy. The Venezuelan military will wonder why they are at risk when all Maduro has to do is to arrest Guaido, try the traitor, and execute him.
Gallup Finds Americans Have Been Very Deceived Regarding United States’ Image Around the World
by barbarahav24 minutes readERIC ZUESSE—on January 18th of just a year back, 2018, Gallup had headlined “World’s Approval of US Leadership Drops to New Low”, and this plunge in the global rating of America’s leadership could reasonably cause a person to expect a decline in the American public’s view of America’s national image in foreign countries, but it’s not showing up, at all. The exact contrary is being displayed in the recent data. On February 25th of 2019, Gallup bannered, “Americans’ Perceptions of US World Image Best Since 2003”, and reported that “58% say US rates very or somewhat favorably in world’s eyes.”
MAX BLUMENTHAL—The Syria Campaign presents itself as an impartial, non-political voice for ordinary Syrian citizens that is dedicated to civilian protection. “We see ourselves as a solidarity organization,” The Syria Campaign strategy director James Sadri told me. “We’re not being paid by anybody to pursue a particular line. We feel like we’ve done a really good job about finding out who the frontline activists, doctors, humanitarians are and trying to get their word out to the international community.”
Syria’s Victory – The Failed Attack by War Criminals Trump, May and Macron
by barbarahav16 minutes readPETER KOENIG—That President Assad murders his own people, is, of course, a ridiculous claim, making absolutely no sense. Having reconquered Ghouta and Douma from the terrorists, i.e. from the US, UK and French proxies – and winning the foreign imposed war, why would anyone poison his own compatriots, mostly women and children.
by barbarahav22 minutes readJEFF J. BROWN—Join me as I host Mr. Joseph Essertier, an American who has lived and breathed Japan for most of his adult life. Growing up in Southern California, he got his degree in Japanese literature at UCLA and has since advanced to his doctoral candidacy, while living and working in Japan for over 20 years. Since 2000, he has been an associate professor at the Nagoya Institute of Technology. Joseph has written for the Asia-Pacific Journal, New Directions, Counterpunch, ZNet and World Beyond War, the last group for which he is the Japan Coordinator.