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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire




Business as usual: Disgraceful NYT Op-Eds

Crimes of the corporate media annals OP-EDS by Stephen Lendman NYT policy is consistent. It's longstanding. It's deplorable. It's opposite of what readers deserve.  All news and opinions Times editors call fit to print aren't fit to read. Editorial policy ...
One of China's Air Force strategic bombers. Far more advanced craft is being developed. China is no longer a backwater nation in weapons designs. (Public domain)

Obama’s ProtoWar Against Russia and China

Nuclear Brinksmanship by ERIC SOMMER [dropcap]R[/dropcap]ussia and China are both under attack by a multi-pronged U.S.-led ‘proto-war’ which could erupt into ‘hot war’ or even nuclear war.   ‘Protowar’ or ‘proto-warfare’ is the term I have coined to describe the use ...

OpEds: The Misrepresentation of Sochi in the Western Media

Editor's Note: The Sochi Winter Games has received criticism on this blog but, we hope, for honest reasons, and not out of underhanded political animus against the new Russia. We have strongly criticized the handling of animal strays, for example, ...
Nuland openly cuddling the Ukraine opposition.

Leaked phone call on Ukraine lays bare Washington’s gangsterism

Bill Van Auken, wsws.org The US media has shown remarkably little interest in the tape of a telephone call between Victoria Nuland, the State Department’s top official on Europe and Eurasia, and the US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, which ...

Keith Olbermann reports on the Sochi dog strays nightmare

Patrice Greanville Editorial Keith Olbermann rightfully denouncing the cruel treatment accorded abandoned animals in the Sochi area.  • The handling of strays in Sochi leaves much to be desired.  In fact, it's a disgrace. It's a stain on an event ...
French team praise Olympic Sochi infrastructure and snow. 52103.jpeg

French team praise Olympic Sochi infrastructure and snow

Note: In a related piece we said that Sochi might be riddled with grave drawbacks, starting with the unsuitable warmish weather. This post contradicts that, and since we respect the opinion of the French Olympic team, here it is. We ...

1 comment

Tom Riviere December 25, 2022 - 4:51 am

If Vladimir Putin is described as a war criminal, thug, dictator, and modern-day Hitler, it is appropriate and indeed necessary to ask about American presidents. For brevity’s sake consider only those American presidents who served since 2001. U.S. invasions and interventions in western Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Horn of Africa have displaced more than 37 million people since the “war on terror” began. Why shouldn’t George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden be called war criminals too? Silence in the face of their criminality gives license and approval to U.S. aggression.


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