EDITOR—A sharp dissection of the US Empire’s multitude of crimes, deceptions, and ineradicable evil by a witness who speaks through his own awakening. The US empire is not ruled by democracy—despite the constant refrain—but by a tiny, invisible oligarchy which also owns the political class, the judicial branch, the media and the repressive arms of the state (intelligence agencies, army, police, etc.). The US Empire seems formidable and unassailable, but, due to its incurable flaws—structural, economic, political, spiritual, and moral—it is now collapsing, bleeding its hegemony, due to its own over-reach, pathetic leadership, and, in the process, becoming ever more dangerous to its own citizens and humanity in general.
PAUL EDWARDS—Israel will fail, and destroy itself in the effort, which will be justice. Seldom does an entire country merit dissolution, but the rabid fanaticism of the vast majority of Israelis demands it. With few dissenters, its evil racist mentality is ubiquitous and ineradicable.
Barring a war it is insanely seeking, that will leave it a pulverized inferno, its end will come from its own raging poison, as when a wasp or scorpion, believing itself attacked, stings itself to death.
Ukraine’s story, very different, is comparably ugly. Precipitated, by The Empire’s anxiety over its displacement as world hegemon, it aimed to defeat Russia by driving supine NATO’s expansion to its borders, using Ukraine as its latest pawn of choice. If this is not clear to you by now, it’s because you refuse to know it.
The mechanics of the two bloodlettings are distinctly different. In the one, an evil nation commits genocide against a helpless people; in the other, a puppet clique is paid to feed its country’s men into a human meat grinder against an invincible adversary.
They share one great similarity: both are funded by The Empire. Americans pay for the Zionist genocide, and the proxy “war” in Ukraine, and seem glad to do it. They feel justified, sure that these shows of organized mass murder deserve their support.
The American Color Revolution Doctrine – How the US Overthrows Governments Around the World
32 minutes readTHE REVOLUTION REPORT—Trillions of Western taxpayer dollars have been spent over the years to invade, kill, and subjugate foreign nations and the main architect of this massive imperialist project has been the United States. Through Washington’s so-called “nongovernment organizations,” which are de facto controlled by the State Department, the US has overthrown governments, broken international law without consequence, and facilitated crimes against humanity.
Putin’s Interview with the Mongolian Newspaper “Onodor” & Onset of Talks
by Karl Sanchez39 minutes readV. PUTIN: “Let me remind you that our country was the first in the world to recognize Mongolia’s independence in 1921 and for a long time remained the only guarantor of its sovereignty and security. During the critical period for Mongolia in the summer of 1939, the USSR, faithful to its allied duty in accordance with the Protocol on Mutual Assistance of March 12, 1936, immediately responded to the request of the Mongolian government to help repel Japanese aggression on the Khalkhin-Gol River. More than 10 thousand soldiers and commanders of the Red Army gave their lives in the battle for freedom and independence of Mongolia.”
CAITLIN JOHNSTONE—The message is clear: Israelis dying is a terrible tragedy, while Palestinians dying is just the normal way for things to be. An Israeli dying should matter as much to you as your own family or friends dying, while a Palestinian dying should be regarded as a routine and natural event like a drop of rain falling from the sky.
And that’s an important message for westerners to be indoctrinated with. Can you imagine if we all started caring about western bombs being dropped in the Middle East as much as we would care if they were being dropped on our own country, or on a country we’ve been conditioned to sympathize with? All their carefully manufactured consent would crumble, and people would cease allowing the western empire to do what it needs to do to dominate the planet.