INDRAJIT—It’s strange, what pains. I can write about all the death and destruction in the world and feel one level of bad, but what really hurt was losing something so small and personal, which wasn’t really lost at all. I write about the wide world but my world is actually very small. I rarely leave my house, let alone my spot on the couch. The only thing I’d move my laptop for was that cat, and I missed him terribly when he was gone. I was walking around like my cat had died (which he could’ve) and was unable to enjoy anything. It’s only now that he’s come back that I feel anything close to normal.
Two notorious US politicians are now planning to betray the remaining Right Whales, on the edge of extinction
14 minutes readKIERAN SUCKLING—Senators Joe Manchin and Lindsey Graham share a common goal: making North Atlantic right whales extinct.
They proposed a bill that would put off slowing down boats and ships in right whale habitat. And vessel strikes are a leading cause of death for these magnificent and highly endangered animals.
The Center for Biological Diversity is fighting for them. Please help by giving to the Saving Life on Earth Fund today. NOAA Fisheries has a rule in place to try to reduce vessel strikes. But it doesn’t go far enough — and right whales are paying for that.
So we filed an emergency petition to implement new rules for vessels in the coastal waters where right whales feed, have their babies, and migrate.
EDITORS—Daniel Bromley was visiting the Great Victoria desert in the Australian outback when he found a little spinifex hopping mouse motionless in a trench on the side of the road. Daniel knew just what to do to save the little mouse from predators and the harsh desert climate.
SUSAN ABULHAWA—srael does not belong in the modern world. It is the child of European colonialism and Europe’s genocidal anti-Semitism, imposed by force and fire and Western guilt on a land already inhabited by an indigenous people.
Israel is a contemporary trespass of that old world’s colonial ethos that justified genocide, ethnic cleansing, wholesale plunder, endless theft and destruction of Indigenous peoples in the name of settlement and divine entitlement of a superior group of humans. But the modern world has moved on with incremental moral evolution. It long ago repudiated, at least in principle, the racist and violent impulses that powered the genocidal colonial engines of old.
How wildlife crossings protect both animals and people
5 minutes readP. GREANVILLE—This project, which as an added benefit creates jobs in the US, something badly needed at this point, costs a pittance compared to the obscene sums (such as the US$ 95 billion recently approved by our non-representative political class) to be squandered on repulsively criminal regimes in Ukraine and Israel, not to mention to pick an idiotic and equally criminal fight with China. Criminal because a war with China will be mind-boggingly destructive to everyone on this planet, including Americans, who—assuming they survive— will see their already tenuous standard of living plummet dramatically as a result of a conflict “of choice” started by the US establishment.