EDITOR—Garland carefully examines Russia’s options in the face of unrelenting hostility and aggression by the West through its Ukraine proxy, and now directly through NATO assets in a new phase of the Ukraine conflict involving the firing of long-range missiles on Russian cities and sensitive strategic infrastructure. Garland does not believe that, even at this dangerous juncture, Moscow will resort to nuclear weapons or other drastic forms of military retaliation but, instead, will simply use its enormous economic clout to seriously wound the NATO alliance by denying the West a large number of sensitive resources its requires for its normal economic and strategic functioning. Things like oil, heavy petroleum, titanium, etc., all of which are essential for the production of advanced aviation, computers, electricity generation (via nuclear plants), domestic fuel for heating, and so on. If Russia does this, there will not be a nuclear war, but the Western populations will experience first-hand the huge problems created by the betrayal of their ruling circles as a consequence of their slavish alliance with Washington and support for its criminal and idiotic wars.
Russia has never tried to dictate any narrative to me, unlike the West
by Scott Ritter60 minutes readSCOTT RITTER—In writing How the Chechen miracle kick-started the Russian ‘Path of Redemption’, Helping Crimea recover from decades of Ukrainian misrule is a tough but necessary challenge, We are witnessing the bittersweet birth of a new Russia, and Why did it take Russia so long to realize Donbass was worth fighting for?, I provided unique reporting that was unavailable anywhere else in the world – Western media outlets would never allow such reporting to be published on their pages or websites, and Russian news outlets had never seen such reporting from an independent Western perspective.
This is exactly what journalism is supposed to be – hard-hitting, probing analysis based upon first-hand observations derived from access to high-level sourcing.
I picked RT as the publisher of these articles because I wanted this reporting to be available not only to a global English-speaking audience, but also to a Russian audience.
EDITOR—”Iran does not need to attack Israel” declares Scott Ritter, arguing that Israel is being consumed by its own fanatical military over-reach and ideological contradictions fuelled by Zionism. Ritter does not see the two-state solution as feasible. The process will be much more gradual, he declares. Israel is the problem. Zionism is the problem. The Israeli people are the problem..they are not worth saving…because they believe in Zionism and the necessity of [enabling] an apartheid state. Thus, for peace and justice to have a chance in the Middle East, Israel [the concept] has to go away. Then perhaps a single state, Palestine, may arise to provide a home to Palestinians, Christians and Jews, to live in peace as the Holy Land was intended to do. “Israel now, due to its irrational policies is a sinking ship that left to its own devices will fail.” Ritter is not alone in his opinions. Other respected observers of the Middle East situation have come to the same conclusion, including prominent Jewish thinkers and activists such as Norman Finkelstein (“Israel is a lunatic state”); Miko Peled (“Israel must be dismantled to have peace in Palestine”), Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Katia Halper, Glenn Greenwald, etc.
115 Mins readEDITORS—One of Scott Ritter’s most compelling videos, admitting his ignorance about the Uhuru trial, thinking it was about “Black nationalism”, while it is about free speech, which affects us all, and the urgent work that needs to be done in America to disinfect the American mind, once and for all, of its age-old and highly dangerous Russophobia, a case of mass, manufactured hatred by the elites. As well, Scott provides a convincing picture of what is really going on in Ukraine, and how the war has been conclusively lost by the West, leaving Washington and its meddling only one sane option: fold the tent and go home.
EDITOR—Media and Communication Professor Emeritus Oliver Boyd-Barrett discusses his new article “Greenlighting the Escalation.”