EDITORS—One of Scott Ritter’s most compelling videos, admitting his ignorance about the Uhuru trial, thinking it was about “Black nationalism”, while it is about free speech, which affects us all, and the urgent work that needs to be done in America to disinfect the American mind, once and for all, of its age-old and highly dangerous Russophobia, a case of mass, manufactured hatred by the elites. As well, Scott provides a convincing picture of what is really going on in Ukraine, and how the war has been conclusively lost by the West, leaving Washington and its meddling only one sane option: fold the tent and go home.
The American Color Revolution Doctrine – How the US Overthrows Governments Around the World
32 minutes readTHE REVOLUTION REPORT—Trillions of Western taxpayer dollars have been spent over the years to invade, kill, and subjugate foreign nations and the main architect of this massive imperialist project has been the United States. Through Washington’s so-called “nongovernment organizations,” which are de facto controlled by the State Department, the US has overthrown governments, broken international law without consequence, and facilitated crimes against humanity.
EDITORS—At his last news conference in July, just days before he announced he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination for a second term, Mr. Biden acknowledged that he had adopted a policy of seeking ways to interfere in the broader China-Russia partnership.
“Yes, I do, but I’m not prepared to talk about the detail of it in public,” Mr. Biden said. He made no reference to — and was not asked about — how that partnership was altering American nuclear strategy.
Since Harry Truman’s presidency, that strategy has been overwhelmingly focused on the Kremlin’s arsenal. Mr. Biden’s new guidance suggests how quickly that is shifting.
China was mentioned in the last nuclear guidance, issued at the end of the Trump administration, according to an unclassified account provided to Congress in 2020. But that was before the scope of Mr. Xi’s ambitions were understood.
6 minutes readDANNY HAIPHONG—World-famous economist Michael Hudson (follow at https://michael-hudson.com/) and Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein (https://www.jillstein2024.com/) join the program for a special livestream on the US elections and geopolitics! This stream will dive into the breaking news of Israel expanding its war footing into Lebanon, and answer deepest questions of war and peace in the world today. We provide analysis as well as what needs to be done to stop the bankers’ wars from taking us to an unthinkable scenario for humanity.
GARLAND NIXON—An in-depth discussion of current conditions in Ukraine and the Middle East with analysts Ritter and Martyanov concluding that both conflicts will end with a huge setback for the US empire, and most shocking to many, with the complete defeat of Ukraine’s Neonazi regime, and the beginning of the dissolution of Israel as an Apartheid state. This discussion is quite probably the most important forecast of what the world will likely see in the near future, barring a nuclear Armageddon triggered by a desperate Empire. The second part (Bonus Feature) is Garland’s conversation with leading analyst Joti Brar, head of Great Britain’s Communist Party, about the US Empire’s rapid unraveling due to over-reach, arrogance and the appalling mediocrity of its leadership (which is, in itself, a huge danger to all of humanity).